Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Aleph Circulation Procedures - Fines
Note that only fines owed to UMBC can be paid at UMBC. If a patron owes a fine on a book that belongs to another campus, that campus will send them a bill. If needed, give the patron the contact information for that campus.
Look up the patron's account in Aleph.
Click on Cash in the left panel.
Open the Active Cash panel on the right.
If any fines are listed, check the Status field on the right.
Fines with status "Not Paid" can be paid in the library.
Fines with status "Transferred to AR" have been transferred to the Bursar's Office, and must be paid there (3rd floor of the Administration Building).
Confirm the amount to be paid by the patron. Before marking the fine as paid in Aleph, take payment from the patron. We accept two types of payments:
Credit card (link goes to instructions)
Campus card (link goes to instructions)
Once payment is completed, select the fines paid in Aleph and press Pay Selected.
If payment was by campus card, select Payment Mode 00. Print two copies of the receipt. Give one to the patron, and staple a Diebold receipt to the other, fold it in half lengthwise, and place it in the green box on the center cube.
If payment was by credit card, select Payment Mode 01. Print two copies of the receipt. Give one to the patron, and staple the signed receipt to the other and place it in the brown lockbox.
Media Fines
Media fines can be paid at the Circulation desk. The process is the same as for other fines.
However, the Circulation department cannot make any adjustments to media fines. Patrons who want to appeal a Media fine MUST submit an online Library Media Fine Appeal form; no action will be taken until the form is submitted.
DO NOT send the patron to talk to a Media staff person unless the fine is preventing registration for classes or graduation. In these cases, the patron should call Media (410-455-2332) and ask to speak to a staff member.
The procedure for appealing a Media fine is as follows:
Go to the library home page
Click on the ‘About the Library’ tab in the header.
Choose Departments from the drop down menu.
Click on Media in the list of departments.
Click on ‘Library Media Fine Appeal Form’ in the left hand column on the page.
A MyUMBC Web Auth login page will appear. Log in with your UMBC username and password.
The Library Media Fine Appeal Form will appear with the patron’s Name and Campus ID already filled in.
Fill out the form, entering your phone number, Email Address and the Title, Call Number and Fine Amount for each fine being appealed. You are also asked to state the reason for the appeal.
When all fields are filled in correctly, click on the “Submit Appeal” button.
The patron should get a reply in 7 - 10 working days.
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian