Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Aleph Circulation Procedures - Blocks
Soft Blocks
Soft Blocks are blocks that we can set and take off. They show up on the Blocks tab in Loan and can be found by clicking on the Patron tab, choosing Global Patron Information in the Navigation (left) pane and then clicking the Global Blocks and Notes tab in the right pane. Staff will often write a note; the note will include an explanation, the date and the campus/staff initials.
If you can clear the block:
Change the block to 00-Patron has NO global blocks.
Delete any note.
Click the “Update” button to write the record.
Block choices include:
01-Block Migrated from CARL
If you see this block, Override it. Click on Letter in the Loan tab and print the Library Card. Write ‘CARL block’ on the printout and put it on Chrisie’s desk.
02-Verify Personal Information
Check the note to see if specific information is needed.
Click on the Patron tab, go to Patron Registration in the Navigation (left) pane and choose Address Information. Ask the patron if the address, phone number and email address in Aleph is correct. Edit the information as needed and then click the <Update> button to save the changes.
Remind UMBC students to change their information in MyUMBC profile. Remind UMBC faculty and staff to change their information with Human Resources.
03-Status or Dates No Longer Valid
Patrons must show proof that they are entitled to the status. UMBC students, faculty and staff can bring up their MyUMBC page as proof.
Click on the Patron tab, go to Patron Registration in the Navigation (left) pane.
Click “Local Patron Information”. Highlight the BC UMBC - Patrons line; click the “Get Defaults” button followed by the “Update” button. Repeat on the MAI150 USMAI line.
Click “Address Information”. Ask the patron if the address, phone number and email address in Aleph is correct. Edit the information as needed and then click the “Update” button to save the changes.
Students from other USM campuses must contact their home campus to clear this block.
04-Contact Circulation for Details
This block is not used at UMBC; you can determine where the block originated by the campus/staff initials component of the note. Inform the patron of the note and give them the phone number of the Circulation Desk at the originating library.
If there are no other UMBC blocks on the record, you can override it.
05-ID Lost/ Must show appropriate current ID
Patron must show new ID and a valid government issued picture ID.
If the patron has a new UMBC ID, you MUST go to the Patron tab and then go to Patron Registration in the Navigation (left) pane. Click on Global Patron Information, scan in the new barcode and then click the “Update” button. Then click on Address Information and verify that the information is correct. If not, edit the information and then click the “Update” button.
Hard Blocks
Hard Blocks are blocks that the system puts on and we cannot remove. Hard blocks are placed:
when a patron has 6 or more USM books that are considered lost (more than 30 days overdue).
when a patron has UMBC fines/fees totaling more than $750.00 that are still payable in the library.
The only way to clear a hard block is to physically return the books to the library. If the patron still wants the books and there are no holds on them, we can charge them back out to the patron after they have been returned.
NOTE: Non-UMBC books will go In-Transit when returned. If the patron still wants the books, get a staff person to deal with the situation.
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian