Aleph Circulation Procedures - Downtime

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Aleph Circulation Procedures - Downtime

Occasionally, network problems here or at College Park will cause Aleph to be unavailable. When this happens, 

Loans - Electronic Downtime Sheet

If the computers at the Circulation desk are still working normally:

  1. Open the excel file on the desktop names "downtime form".
  2. This file has tabs for books, keys, and reserves. If a patron wants to check out an item, open the appropriate tab.
  3. Click on the Patron field of the spreadsheet, and scan the patron's campus ID.
  4. Click on the Item Barcode field of the spreadsheet, and scan the item's ID. Continue scanning for multiple items.
  5. Save the spreadsheet (CTRL-S) after each transaction.

When Aleph is available again, carefully enter each transaction by copying and pasting barcodes from the spreadsheet into the appropriate fields. When you are finished, delete all barcodes from the spreadsheet and save it.

Loans - Paper Downtime Sheet

If the computers at the Circulation desk are not working, get the Downtime file from the cabinet.  It should contain folders for Downtime Forms, Reserve Downtime Forms, and Downtime Signs.  Make copies of the forms as needed (masters are in the Circ Master file). DO NOT use the last copy.

For Books:

  1. Take a Downtime Form.
  2. Fill in today’s date, the patron’s first and last name, their Local ID number and their barcode.
  3. For each item:
    1. Check Loan or Renew.
    2. Write the call number and the barcode.
    3. Desensitize the books.
    4. Tell the patron to check their account online in a few days to find out the due dates of the items.
    5. Place the completed forms in the box/tray on the roster cube.

For Reserves:

  1. Take a Reserve Downtime Form.
  2. Fill in the patron’s name, their Local ID number and their barcode.
  3. For each item fill in the reserve number and the item’s barcode.
  4. Note the date and time charged.
  5. Write the date and time due.
  6. Write your initials.
  7. Place completed forms on the Diebold cube.
  8. When the Reserve is returned, throw away the Reserve Downtime Form.



Write legibly.  Someone else may have to enter the information when the system comes up.


Check to make sure that you have all 14 numbers in the barcode.


If a patron has more than 9 books to borrow, use a 2nd Downtime Form.  Note the patron barcode on each extra sheet and staple them all together.  DO NOT WRITE ON THE BACK OF THE FORM.


When Aleph Comes Back Up


Note the date and time when the system comes back up in the Aleph Downtime Log.  It is kept on the Diebold cube.


Process the downtime material in this order:


  1. Take all Downtime Forms and loan the material.  Start with the earliest date if we were down more than one day.
  2. Take all Reserve Downtime Forms still on the cube and loan the material.  Start with the earliest date if we were down more than one day.
  3. Make note of any problems that you can’t solve and put them on the side.
  4. Return all books in the labeled bins and/or carts.  Start with the earliest date if we were down more than one day. Process Holds and In-Transit books as usual.
  5. Staff should cancel fines assessed because of downtime as usual. Students should print a receipt for late books, note that fines were assessed and put it on the billing manager's desk.


Put all returned materials in a bin or on a cart and put a ‘Downtime Returns, Do Not Touch’ sign on it.  Write today’s date on the sign.

DO NOT REMOVE any materials from the cart until the system is back up and it is time to return items in the system.




Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian