Circulation FAQ - Directions

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Circulation FAQ - Directions

Where are the restrooms?

On each floor, the men’s room is to the left of the front elevators and the ladies’ room is to the right of the elevators.  There are also rest rooms in the Serials stacks (A - Journal of D side), opposite the Honor’s College Lounge, in the library lower level along the back wall and in the Gallery, near Special Collections.  There are men’s and women’s rest rooms in the back of the RLC.

Where are the elevators?

There are two elevators off the rotunda and another elevator in the back of the tower.  There is also an elevator in the Serials Department on the second floor (east wing) that goes down to the lower level (Serials Stacks and Government Documents); it does not stop on the first floor.

Is there a pay phone in the library?

There are no pay phones in the library.

Where is a campus phone?

There is a campus phone on every floor in the tower to the right of the front elevators and there is one in the RLC off the Atrium.

What is room 767?  Where is it located?

Room 767 is a conference room used for various functions by the university.  Go left out of the elevator on the 7th floor, make another left at the corner and then go straight ahead.

What is the Retriever Learning Center?  Where is it located? 

The Retriever Learning Center (RLC) is a 24/7 study area.  It is located on the 1st floor of the library off the Atrium and can only be accessed by swiping your red UMBC ID in the lock next to the door.

Where is the Library Gallery?  When is it open?

The Library Gallery is located on the first floor of the library behind the Security Desk.  The Gallery hours are posted next to the doors to the Gallery and can also be found with the general library hours.

Where is Special Collections? When is it open?

Special Collections is located on the first floor of the library at the back of the Gallery.    The hours can be found with the general library hours and are also posted next to the doors to the Gallery.  Appointments can be made for outside regular business hours Monday through Friday.

 Where are the Math Lab and the Writing Center?  What are their hours?

The Math Lab and the Writing Center are part of the LRC and are located on the first floor of the library.  The Writing Center is located behind the reference area and the Math Lab is located in the RLC.  They are open during the Fall and Spring semesters and you can find their hours on the end cap of the range next to the return desk.

Where is Lost and Found in the library? 

Lost and Found in the library is based at the Circulation Desk. Inform them about the campus lost and found located at the Commons. 

Where is the Technology Support Center?  What is its’ function?

The Technology Support Center is located on the 1st floor of the library across from the Reference Desk.  It is the campus help desk for the Department of Information Technology (DOIT).  They assist patrons with software and UMBC patron account problems, UMBC network issues and LRC computing problems.  Patrons wishing their help must first sign in on the computer facing the security desk.

Where is [x] event?

There is a list of library events on the pillar in the center of the Circulation desk.  You can also access a list of library events and/or classes on the library home page under ‘Library News and Events’ by clicking on the ‘Events Calendar’ link.

Where is room 259 (the BI room)?

Room 259 or the Bibliographic Instruction Room is located on the 2nd floor in Library Media.  Take the elevator to the 2nd floor, go left and then turn left and walk to the back of Library Media.

Where is the Honor’s College?

The Honor’s College is located on the 2nd floor (west wing) of the library.  Go to the Serials desk and make a right; the Honor’s College is straight ahead to the left.

Where is the Digital Media Lab?  What are their hours?  What equipment is available?

The Digital Media Lab is in room 216H on the 2nd floor near the Honor’s College.  Their hours and a list of available equipment can be found online.  Go to the library home page, click on ‘About AOK’ and then ‘Departments’.  Choose ‘Library Media’ then click on the ‘Digital Media Lab’ link on the left side of the page.

Where are the Admissions and Financial Aid offices?

Admissions and Financial Aid are located in the lower level of the library next to the pond.  (Go out the front door, turn right and go down the steps and then make another right.  Admissions is near the steps, Financial Aid is at the other end.)

 Where is the RCLC?

The RCLC (Resource Center for Language and Culture) can be found at Room 102 A-wing in Sherman Hall.  There is a sheet listing its’ operating hours on the end cap of the incoming reserve shelving.

Where is the [x] building?

There is a large map of the campus on the campus guide in front of the library building. There is another copy in the inside front pocket of the Circulation Policy Manual.  Patrons can get a copy of the map at the Reference Desk.

Where is the closest mail box?

There is a mailbox in front of the Administration Building and another one behind the Commons near the Theatre.  You can also drop off mail at the Comm_Store in the University Center Monday - Friday during regular business hours.        

Where is the South Campus?

Directions for the South Campus (or techcenter@UMBC) can be found in the Circulation Procedures Manual at the tab for directions to UMBC.

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian