Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Circulation - Memorandum of Understanding
This memorandum aims to clarify the role of each public service area in the library.
The Circulation Desk will assist users with the following:
Library and campus directional needs
Check out and return of UMBC owned general circulating material, other patron holds (books from other USMAI campuses), and Interlibrary Loan materials
Questions and issues about patrons’ library accounts, renewal of Library materials, fines and fee, and course reserve processing and use
Refer Media reserves and fines questions to Media, as appropriate
The use and basic troubleshooting of the library Pay-4-Print printers, campus card machines, and 1st floor copiers; adding paper to the Pay-4-Print printers and copiers; reporting printing problems to LITS
Replace toner cartridges in all public access printers and copiers
Lost and found items
General library security issues
Provide non-UMBC users with guest accounts
The Reference/Information Desk will assist users with the following:
Library and campus directional needs
Research assistance needed for academic or personal work
The use of library search tools, including online catalogs and databases
The finding, access, and management of information sources and those services that support this process (such as ILLiad and EndNote)
Referrals within the Reference Department for more in-depth subject area assistance
Basic technological troubleshooting in the course of assisting patrons with reference/information needs
The use and basic troubleshooting of the library Pay-4-Print printers, campus card machines, and 1st floor copiers; reporting printing problems to LITS
Provide non-UMBC users with guest accounts
The Special Collections Desk will assist users with the following:
Research assistance needed for academic or personal work
The use of library search tools, such as online catalogs and databases, particularly those related to Special Collections holdings (USMAI catalog, Special Collections Search, Digital Collections, finding aids), and other resources pertaining to primary sources or original research
Patron registration to use Special Collections
Special Collections policies and procedures, including: Reading Room rules; rights and reproduction information; proper handling of materials; citing different formats and unpublished materials, etc.
Provide researchers with photocopies or scans in accordance with current policy and fee schedule
Refer users to the Reference desk or appropriate subject specialists
Library and campus directional needs
Provide non-UMBC users with guest wi-fi accounts
Library Information Technology Services (LITS) will be responsible for the following:
First line triage of staff computing problems and all other current staff computing responsibilities
Public AV services provided in the Gallery and on the 7th floor
First line triage of public printing problems
Imaging/reimaging of public access computers, floors 1-7
Hardware replacements (e.g., monitors, hard drives) of public access computers except for the 7th floor (for 7th floor machines, LITS will provide first line triage and report any hardware malfunctions to DoIT)
The Technology Support Center (formerly the DOIT Help Desk) will assist users with the following:
Problems with non research-oriented computer software (Microsoft Office, etc.)
Problems with UMBC patron accounts
UMBC network issues
Learning Resource Center (Writing Center and Math Lab) computing problems
Request Tracker (RT) support for the Library
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) provides tutors for most 100 and 200 level classes. This tutoring is provided in LRC's Tutorial Center, Math Lab, and Writing Center. The Math Lab and Writing Center are located on the 1st floor of the library. All other LRC programs, including Placement Testing, Alerts, ITAP, and the Tutorial Center for appointment tutoring, as well as the administrative offices, are located on the third floor, B-wing of Academic IV. The main LRC office is Room 345. If students wish to enroll in small group appointment tutoring for courses not covered by the Math Lab or Writing Center, then they should visit our website at
The Math Lab of the LRC will provide the following:
Walk-in, peer tutoring for most 100-level math courses (LRC 099, Math 106, 150, 151, 152, 155)
Appointed hours for tutoring in Math 131, 132, 221, 225, 251, 301, and Stat 121
The Writing Center of the LRC will provide these services:
Walk-in tutoring
One-on-one sessions with peer writing consultants who work with students on any writing assignment for a UMBC class
Writing help with resumes, personal statements, and letters of application
Small workshops on various writing issues
The Serials Office will assist users with the following:
Library and campus directional needs
Assistance in locating and using print and online journals
Assistance in the use of microform and copying equipment
Basic use of library search tools, including the online catalog and research databases
Basic technological troubleshooting in the course of assisting patrons with journals and database usage
Provide non-UMBC users with guest accounts
When the Serials Desk is open, use and basic troubleshooting of the 2nd & 7th floor Pay-4-Print printers and copiers; adding paper to these Pay-4-Print printers and copiers; reporting printing problems to LITS. When Serials is closed, these duties are assumed by the Circulation desk.
The Digital Media Lab Desk will assist users with the following:
Library and campus directional needs
Locating and using media items
Check out and return of media materials, including questions on library accounts, Media holds, Media reserves, and Media fines
Basic use of library search tools, including the online catalog and research databases
Basic technological troubleshooting in the course of assisting patrons with Media materials
Provide non-UMBC users with guest accounts
Referrals from one service point to another will generally be done in person (such as pointing to the other desk and referring patron there), by transferring a phone call, or through use of the Request Tracker (RT) system.
In order to ensure clear and up to date communication between service areas:
Regular meetings of supervisors of the Writing Center, Math Lab, Technology Support Center, Library Circulation, Library Reference, and Library Information Technology, Library Media, and Library Special Collections will be held to review services, referrals, and the general management Library public service areas
Clear signage at each service desk: service desk hours, types of service/assistance, after-hours service (FAQ page, etc.)
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian