Circulation - Front Desk Code of Conduct

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Circulation - Front Desk Code of Conduct

Those of us who work at the Circulation Desk are often the first point of contact in the Library for students, staff, faculty, and visitors.  Below are some common-sense guidelines for all of us to follow to insure we make a lasting and consistent good impression.

Good customer service is of paramount importance.

  • Every patron deserves to receive prompt and focused service.
  • Patrons can legitimately expect staff to be knowledgeable.
  • Interactions with patrons should be characterized by courtesy and genuine efforts to meet the patron’s needs.
  • Within the bounds of Library guidelines, look for ways to say “yes” to patron requests.
  • If a queue of patrons develops, ring the help bell to request backup.

 Confidentiality of patron records is crucial.

  • Discuss a patron’s borrowing record only with the patron herself.
  • If pressed to violate this trust, get a supervisor to handle the situation.
  • See Library Guideline 201 for more information

 Dress appropriately.

  • There is no dress code but your clothing should always be clean, neat, and in good repair.

 Be consistent in applying Library rules and guidelines.

  • If you are unsure about interpreting a rule or guideline ask another staff member.

 Library-related work comes first.

  • During slack times, look first to sorting a cart of books or any other job-related task that you can perform while working on the front desk.
  • Visiting with coworkers is natural but keep it brief and remember, two is company but three is a crowd.
  • If you must leave the front desk for any reason get someone to cover for you.
  • When doing other things while working the front desk remember, serving the patron always comes first.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian