Circulation - Group Study Rooms

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Circulation - Group Study Rooms

Rooms 210, 211, 212, 213, 247, 374, 453, 455, 457, and 458 are available only to groups of students, for 2 hours at a time.

Signing Out

  1. Verify that more than one student will be using the room. Ask if they have a room or floor preference.

  2. Open the Group Study Room Keys drawer and remove a key ring and a Group Study Room Agreement Card.  Note the room number on the lower left corner of the card and the time in the lower right corner.

  3. If the room has a dry-erase board (211, 212, 453), ask if the student would like a dry-erase marker.  If so, take one out of the drawer. Note: We will only loan one dry-erase marker per room.

  4. Give the card to the student.  Ask them to read, sign and date the card.

  5. Ask for the student’s UMBC ID card (Note: We can only accept a red UMBC ID for the loan - we cannot accept alternate IDs. Also, Group study rooms cannot be signed out to non-UMBC students).  Loan out the key in Aleph as usual. Be sure to tell the student the time that the key is due (2 hours from time of loan).

  6. Place the signed Group Study Room Agreement Card in the Group Study Room Keys box in front of the room number tab.


  1. Return the key in Aleph.

  2. Put the key and the dry-erase marker (if applicable) in the Group Study Room Keys drawer and throw away the Group Study Room Agreement Card for that loan.


Note: Group study rooms cannot be renewed during finals.

If a student wants to keep the room and no one is waiting to sign it out, return the key in Aleph, and then check it out again. Change the time on the Group Study Room Agreement Card.


Group Study Room Rules

Eligibility: Group study rooms are available to students enrolled at UMBC.  A group of 2 or more students may sign out a Group Study room.

Assignment: Rooms are signed out on a first come, first served basis; no advance reservations will be taken.  The assignment is for 2 hours and may be renewed if no one is waiting to sign out a room at the time of return.

Noise: Out-loud study at reasonable non-disruptive volumes, discussion level instruction, etc is allowed in the study rooms with the doors closed.  Cell phone use is permitted, but the ringers must be turned off or set to vibrate.

Food, drink and smoking: As in the rest of the building, food, drink (except in closed containers) and smoking are prohibited.  Food found in the study room will be discarded by staff.

Theft: Materials left in study rooms are the responsibility of the user.  The Library is not responsible for the loss of personal items or for the loss of Library materials left in these rooms.

Windows: Users may not block or even partially cover windows of study rooms.

Late Fees: Keys are subject to late return fees of $3.00 / hour up to a maximum of $50.00. 

Lost Fees: Keys will be subject to a Replacement Fee of $50.00 / key.

Failure to conform to study room rules will result in termination of library privileges.


Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian