Circulation - ILL Webcirc Procedures

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Circulation - ILL Webcirc Procedures


  1. Ask the patron for their red UMBC ID and pull the ILL items to be charged out.
  2. Click on Illiad Web Circulation on the bottom bar of the monitor.
  3. Click on the Check Out box under Quick Tasks.
  4. Scan the barcode or type in the TN (transaction number) located on the ILL book band.
  5. WebCirc will show a message that the book is now checked out.
  6. Desensitize the item.

NOTE: If the item is already charged to the patron, you will see the following message:

“Transaction (TN) is not available for Check Out. (Current status: checked out to customer.)

Library Use Only

 Some materials are marked for Library Use only. These cannot be removed from the library. The material will have an ILL bookstrap and a separate slip that needs to be initialed each time the patron uses the book.

  1. Material will be kept on a separate shelf labeled “Library Use Only.”
  2. Do Not check the material out to patron through ILliad Web Circulation.
  3. Do Not desensitize material since it needs to stay in the building.
  4. Ask patron to read information on top of bookstrap.
  5. Ask patron to sign slip that is in the book and place slip in “Library Use Only” box.
  6. When book is returned, place slip back in the book.
  7. Return book to “Library Use Only” shelf.


  1. Click on Illiad Web Circulation on the bottom bar of the monitor.
  2. Click on the Check In box under Quick Tasks.
  3. Scan the barcode or type in the TN (transaction number) located on the ILL book band.
  4. WebCirc will show a message that the book is now checked back in.
  5. Place the item in the ILL Return box.

NOTE: If the ILL material consists of a multi-volume set, the procedures are slightly different because THERE IS ONLY ONE TRANSACTION NUMBER FOR ALL OF THE VOLUMES.

Loans (multiple volumes)

  1. Scan the barcode or type in the TN (transaction number) located on the ILL book band.
  2. You will get a message asking you to verify that all parts are present. A box will appear on the left side of the message.
  3. If all parts are present, click on <Check Out> and the items will be loaned.
  4. If all parts are not present, click on <Home>.  The items will not be loaned.  Call ILL and inform them of the problem.

Returns (multiple volumes)

  1. Scan the barcode or type in the TN (transaction number) located on the ILL book band.
  2. You will get a message asking you to verify that all parts are present.
  3. A box will appear on the left side of the message.
  4. If all parts are present, click “Check In” and the items will be returned.
  5. If all parts are not present, click “Home”.  The items will not be returned.  Give them back to the patron, explaining the problem.
  6. If the patron has questions, refer them to ILL.


  1. Ask the patron for their red UMBC ID.  
  2. Click on Illiad Web Circulation on the bottom bar of the monitor.
  3. Click on the Renewal box under Quick Tasks.
  4. Scan the barcode or type in the TN (transaction number) located on the ILL book band.
  5. WebCirc will send a message to ILL requesting that the item be renewed.
  6. Tell the patron that a renewal request has been made and that they can probably keep the book for another 2 weeks.  Write the date on the ILL book band. 
  7. ILL will email the patron if the item has been renewed (with the new due date) or if the renewal has been denied.

NOTE: There are some restrictions to ILL renewals:

  1. We can only renew ILL items that the patron brings to the library. 
  2. If the patron does not have the book, they can renew it in their ILL account.
  3. DO NOT renew overdue ILLs.  The patron must contact ILL.
  4. Once an item has been returned it cannot be charged back out to the patron.       A new ILL request must be made.


When Illiad Web Circulation is down, follow these procedures:

Loans: Make a copy of the ILL book band, have the patron sign and date it or have the patron sign and date the slip in the book.  Put the copy or the slip in the ILL box.

Returns: Write a receipt and give it to the patron.Make a note on the ILL book band that the item was NOT returned in Illiad Web Circulation. Put the book in the ILL Return bin. 

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian