Procedures (Archives) - Document Removal Form

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Procedures (Archives) - Document Removal Form

A document removal form, also called a separation sheet, is a "form filed in the original location of an item, indicating that the item is stored elsewhere."  Our document removal form should be used for the following purposes:

  1. When an item needs to be stored in a different box than the folder or group of materials that it relates to - or when an item needs to be physically stored elsewhere even though the intellectual arrangement would dictate that it should be stored in the original order of the documents.  This typically happens when an item is oversized or requires specialized housing.  In this case the document removal form will point the researcher to the new location of the document or item; include box and folder number and additional information if necessary. 

  2. When an item has been temporarily pulled for preservation photocopying or digitization.  If digitized, please include the file name for the digital file.  In this instance the document or item should be returned to the original location and the document removal form should be removed.

  3. If a document or item is scheduled for destruction or is deaccessioned from a collection.  This will need to be authorized by the Special Collections Archivist or Chief Curator.

  4. Other as needed.

In all cases you will need to place the original completed document removal form in the collection file, then photocopy the form and place this in the original location of the item. All forms should be signed by the person relocating the document and a supervisor; only the Special Collections Archivist or Chief Curator may authorize destruction or deaccession of documents.

The document removal forms are located: I:\SpecColl\FORM masters\Document Removal Form.docx
Both portrait and landscape versions are available.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian