Procedures - Weekly backup and reindex of PastPerfect

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Procedures - Weekly backup and reindex of PastPerfect

This should ideally be done every week. If there have been little or no updates or changes in PastPerfect one week then it is not necessary. 

Only the person performing the backup and reindexing can be logged in to PastPerfect. It is helpful to select a quiet period of the week and ask that everyone not use PastPerfect during this time. Currently, this is Friday morning at 9am.

  1. Open PastPerfect. From the menu screen, select Hard Drive Backup. On the Backup screen, select Backup to Hard Drive. This saves a backup to your local disk drive. Completion time: 2-3 minutes.

  2. Return to the menu screen and select Reindex.

    1. If other users are logged in to PastPerfect, at this point you will receive an error message. PastPerfect will give you the option to see the users that are logged on - view this list and contact the users, requesting that they log off.

    2. Even if you do not get the error message, it is a good idea to doublecheck. From the Reindex screen, select Check Now for Other Users. PastPerfect will run a check.

  3. On the left side of the Reindex screen you will see the heading, Select Files to Reindex. For the weekly Reindex, make sure that ALL of the boxes are selected. Many of the options will not necessarily need to be reindex since they likely have not had changes (for example, Exhibits and Image Files), but it is easiest to select them all and they will not add extra time. 

    1. If you have made substantial changes in just one catalog and want to reindex prior to the weekly reindex, you can follow the same procedure but only select that catalog.

  4. Select Start Reindex Now. Completion time: approximately 15 minutes. Exit the Reindex screen once you have been notified that the reindex is complete. 

  5. From the menu screen, select PastPerfect-Online (it is under the Optional Features heading on the right).

  6. This module allows Library staff to configure many aspects of the PastPerfect-Online program. All settings have already been configured. You should not make any settings changes during the weekly backup! Select Next in the lower right until you get to a screen titled Create Web Publishing Files.

  7. All boxes along the right should be checked; see #3 above.

  8. Select Create Files Now. Completion time: approximately 1 hour. PastPerfect will notify you when the files have been created, and then you can select Next (do not select Exit!!).

  9. The next screen is titled Publish Files to Web. Do not change any of the settings. Select Upload to Website Now. When the upload is complete, select Exit to return to the main menu screen.

  10. Next you will need to update the web version of PastPerfect Online. This is a very important step! If this is not done then the most recent content will not be reflected in the online search. Susan and Lindsey have the necessary instructions and log-in information for this process. 

  11. Once the reindexing has been completed and PastPerfect Online has been updated, it is a good idea to create another backup. Return to the Hard Drive Backup menu and select Backup to Hard Drive

  12. When it is complete, users may now log on to PastPerfect.

  13. Since the backups are only being saved to your local disk drive, a good final step is to save the most recent copy (created after the last reindex) to the PastPerfect 5 server. Lindsey and Susan both have access to this server.

    1. Open your My Computer screen and navigate to the backup file (C:\pp5\Backup)

    2. Right click on the most recent zip file (pp5backup.zip) and select Copy

    3. Navigate to the Backup folder on the PP5 server (P:\Backup)

    4. Right click and select Paste to copy the most recent backup

    5. When the file has been copied, click on the file and add _YYYYMMDD to the file name. Example: pp5backup_20120127.zip

    6. There is no limit on the number of backups saved, but it is good practice to keep 2-3 older backups in addition to the most recent one.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian