Procedures - ILL Requests

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Procedures - ILL Requests

From time to time, users will make interlibrary loan requests for items housed in Special Collections.  We retrieve materials for ILL staff to make copies/scans. If the materials are too fragile, we will make the copies ourselves.

ILL will send requests via the Special Collections Staff email. When a request arrives try to locate the materials ASAP. ILL requests have a 24 hour turnaround, but preferably filled by 2:00 pm the same day.

Students will retrieve the requested materials

If we have the item:

  • Fill out a call slip, using "ILL" for the name

  • Place the card in the shelf where the item is housed

  • Put the white paper in the call slip file container, in the "ILL" section

  • Place the materials in the pink envelopes and deliver them to ILL office

  • Put the envelope in the request bin located on a table to the right once you enter the office and up against the wall.

  • Periodically during the day walk over and check to see if the request has been scanned

*If the item seems too fragile/old/rare, please let the SC Librarian know.  We will have to make a copy of it in-house or the Librarian may determine that it is not safe for copy.*

If the item is not found: Let a supervisor know and they will contact ILL regarding this matter

Once an item is returned, please place it on the "Reshelve" cart and return the pink envelope to the shelve in the reading room between rm 110. 

If you have time, you may simply reshelve the item according to Special Collections standard practice (See "Reshelving" procedures for further instruction).

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian