Where do I pick up my Interlibrary Loan items?

Where do I pick up my Interlibrary Loan items?


  • Books can be picked up at the Check Out desk in the Albin O. Kuhn Library. Some books may be designated "Library Use Only" by the lending library, so patrons can use the materials only during library open hours, and must return them to the Check Out desk before leaving,  Failure to follow this directive will lead to suspension or denial of Interlibrary Loan privileges.

  • Microfilm, always Library Use Only, can be picked up at the Check Out desk, and used on the second floor, where there are microfilm readers and printers.  Microfilm should always be returned to the Check Out desk.  

  • Articles are made available to patrons electronically, through their ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan) accounts, where they will reside for 30 days, and then be deleted. Patrons are encouraged to save articles to disk to avoid losing them after the 30 day expiration.

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