GS Doctoral Nomination of Committee Members

GS Doctoral Nomination of Committee Members


This form allows students to select their committee members that will guide the students through the proposal, research and analysis, and ultimately the final oral presentation


First, the form goes to the Student to fill out, then the Advisor, then the Graduate Program Director, and lastly a Graduate School signing group.

Overall Process:

  • The student first needs to enter the names and emails for the Advisor and the Graduate Program Director, as well as enter the Master’s Program they are enrolled in. 

  • Then they enter the form to fill out to attach their transcript, specify the courses that they would like to transfer and where they were taken. 

  • They will also need to know the course number, course title, course section, and the credits 

  • Once they finish filling that out, it goes to the Advisor they specified to sign.

  • After the Advisor signs, it goes to the Graduate Program Director to sign.

  • Lastly, it goes to the Graduate School signing group to look over and initial at the bottom.

  • Once they initial, the form gets saved in ImageNow and the process is complete.

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