GA Parental Leave Fellowship Application



  • First, the form is filled out by the Graduate Assistant, then the Graduate Assistant Supervisor, followed by the Graduate Program Director and the Graduate School Associate Dean before finally reaching a signing group for completion.

Overall Process:

  • The Graduate Assistant will identify the Graduate Assistant Supervisor, Graduate Program Director, and Graduate School Associate Dean by entering their names and email on the webform.

  • Then on the webform, the Graduate Assistant will enter the start and end dates of the parental leave.

  • Once the Graduate Assistant enters the form, they will need to upload a doctor’s note for child birth or a social service agency’s note for adoption, etc.

  • After that, the Graduate Assistant will sign and the form will go to the Graduate Assistant Supervisor.

  • The Graduate Assistant Supervisor will enter the form and fill in an amount for reimbursement, bi-weekly pay, and the department’s chartstring.

  • Then, they will sign the form and it will go to the Graduate Program Director to look over and sign.

  • Next, it goes to the Graduate School Associate Dean to look over and sign.

  • Lastly, it goes to the signing group who fills out the graduate school designation, and initials the form.