Certification of Completion of the Clinical Internship

Certification of Completion of the Clinical Internship


  • First, the form goes to the student to fill out. Then, it goes to the student’s advisor to fill out and sign, followed by the Director of Clinical Training who approves and signs.

Overall Process:

  • On the webform, the student will fill out their advisor’s name and email and the Director of Clinical Training’s name and email.

  • When the student goes into the form, they have to fill out the term and year they are graduating before submitting.

  • The advisor will then open the form and check whether the student completed the clinical internship and the date or they check that an internship wasn’t required.

  • Then, the advisor signs the document and it goes to the Director of Clinical Training to approve and sign.

  • Once they are done signing, the form gets saved in ImageNow.

How do I fill out the Certification of Completion of the Clinical Internship form?

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