How do I create my signature in RT?

How do I create my signature in RT?

Signatures are only available to those identified as support staff (Privileged Users in RT terms).

  1. Log into RT http://rt.umbc.edu

  2. Click the Logged in as... link on the top of the page.

  3. Click the Settings > About Me link.

  4. Scroll to the Signature section of the form.

    • Recommended Signature formats:

      • UMBC Fulltime Staff

        First Name Last Name Title (e.g. Assistant Director) Department (e.g. Library, Financial Aid) University of Maryland, Baltimore County
      • UMBC Student Staff

        First Name Last Name Title (e.g. Student Library Staff) Department (e.g. Library, Financial Aid) University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  5. Click on the Save Preferences button.