How do I allow a student access to a completed course (Course availability override)?
Only the instructor of record may request the course availability override.
When instructors have determined that a student needs extended time to access a course for reasons related to illness, to submit work for an Incomplete, prepare for exams, or gather evidence for a portfolio or interview, they may request a course availability override for that student. In the past, a course might be left open with adaptive release filters applied to restrict student access.
If the course has not been retired from the Blackboard site, this exclusive access can be provided through a special override setting in the Blackboard admin panel. Instructors can have a course re-opened only for the student who they determine needs access, and this access will be available in the course list for the semester in which the student was officially registered (e.g., Fall 2021).
Tell me - Instructors, take these steps
Make the course unavailable so the rest of your students do not see it.
Use the RT form to request the Course Availability Override.
Choose Blackboard as the Request Type.
Select Instructor/TA for your role.
Next, choose #9 - I would like to allow a student access to a completed course from the dropdown list of options.
Fill out the form with the following information:
CourseID and Term (e.g., ART336_3215_FA2022)
Student's name, Blackboard username, and CampusID
Expiration date for the student to have course access
NOTE: Instructors can add multiple students to a requested course availability override.
Allow up to 72 hours for the request to be processed.
Once the request is processed, only the identified student(s) will be able to access the course and its content.
Note: We recommend instructors email the student once the ticket has been processed and it's been 72 hours, to let the student know they have will access until the expiration date. Please remind your student to search for the course using the drop-down Course List under the semester they were officially registered (i.e., Winter 2021).
IMPORTANT: Instructors will need to review and adjust all relevant due dates in the course to ensure a student has access to the content, activities, or assignments needed to complete the course.