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About the FAQs
Academic Advising
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Campus Card
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Colwell Center
Computing & Technology
Getting Connected
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Supported Technologies
How do I make a project request for a new or exisiting enterprise solution?
Getting Started in Blackboard
Ultra Experience
Ally and Accessibility Support
Blackboard for Students
Course Design
Known Issues with Blackboard
Mobile App
Communication & Engagement
Content Management in Ultra
Course & User Management
Blackboard Attendance
Course Maintenance
Managing Groups in Ultra
Reports & Analytics
User Management
How do I add a teaching assistant (TA), second instructor, or guest to my Blackboard course?
How do I add a TA or grader to my Ultra course?
How do I allow a student access to a completed course (Course availability override)?
How do I allow guest access to my Original Blackboard course?
How do I change a student's availability in my Blackboard course?
How do I change a user’s role in my Blackboard course?
How do I download my class roster to an Excel spreadsheet?
How do I enroll a student who has dropped my course into a Blackboard course?
How do I enroll a student with an Incomplete grade in my Blackboard course?
How do I remove an instructor or student from my course?
How do I search for people in my Blackboard course?
How do I set the primary instructor in my Ultra course?
What happens to student data in Blackboard when a student drops a course?
What privileges/restrictions do Blackboard course roles have?
Why can't I add another user to my Blackboard course?
Grading & the Ultra Gradebook
Third-Party Tools in Blackboard
Best Practices Using Blackboard & Other Tools at UMBC
What do I do if Blackboard is down?
Assignments & Tests
Ultra: What's new in the Ultra Experience?
Academic Continuity
Cloud Storage
UMBC Report Exchange (REX)
Rex Finance
Deploying Shibboleth on a New Web Server
DocuSign - Electronic Signatures
Generative AI (GenAI)
Monsido Website Audit Tool Overview
myUMBC Campus Portal
Pharos Mobile Printing
Qualtrics Survey Software
Request Tracker (RT)
UMBC Tickets
Webex Webinars
Web Publishing
edX Edge
Virtual Desktop Environment (VDE)
Poll Everywhere
Digital Credentialing
Multi-Factor Authentication with DUO