How do I change a student's availability in my Blackboard course?

We do not support the practice of removing/deleting users from a Blackboard roster. This is done as a safety precaution since this function deletes all records of the student having been in the course and cannot be undone. Instead, we recommend that you make the course unavailable to the user. This maintains the students’ records in the course in case a mistake was made, or the student changes their mind. This will also prevent the student from continuing to access the course material.

If a student is still enrolled in your course, manually removing them will not permanently remove them from your Blackboard course shell. Because it automatically syncs against the official UMBC enrollment roster in Peoplesoft, the student will be added back to your course within 2 hours.

Students are not automatically removed from a Blackboard roster upon dropping a course, or transferring sections. In the case of a transfer, the student’s name will show up in BOTH sections, so you will want to address that.