Ultra: What's new in the Ultra Experience?

Ultra: What's new in the Ultra Experience?

UMBC's Blackboard receives monthly updates as part of Blackboard's continuous delivery model. As a software industry standard practice, continuous delivery updates are small, may include maintenance, enhancements and/or new features, and are delivered on a more frequent and consistent basis. Read the latest news about Ultra updates at myUMBC.

This page lists the monthly updates. If you are looking for specific features, please see: What tools are available in an Ultra course? or Is Ultra right for me?

March 6, 2025 (v3900.112)

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AI Course Design Assistant

Energy saving image generation

The AI Design Assistant will generate one image at a time instead of four to reduce energy and processing power. However, if the instructor does not select the image generated and chooses to regenerate a new image, the image will be saved for comparative purposes.

Visit Blackboard Help: AI Design Assistant 

AI Course Design Assistant

Learning module generation improvements

If an image isn't generated with a learning module, the title and description will no longer shift to the left. A placeholder image is now used to ensure a consistent reading experience. There is also a refresh button available so instructors can easily generate a new image. This feature is particularly useful in case instructors want to replace the image generated at the start.


Content Management

Release Conditions Improvements

When instructors customize release conditions for a content item, the due date for the item is now included with the date and time fields. Instructors are no longer required to go back to the item to check the due date, which saves time and reduces errors.


Content Management

Improved Student Experience if Assessment is Hidden

If an instructor sets a test or assignment to Hidden from students while the students are actively taking the assessment, students who have the assessment open can continue working on it without interruption. This ensures that students can finish their work without disruption.


Communication & Engagement

Usability Improvements for Discussions

ALL USERS: Long discussion posts will be fully visible without the need for scrolling. Additionally, posts will have a gray background to stand out better against the page.


  • Participation metrics: The number of posts and replies is now listed directly on the discussion home page, replacing the total response counter.

  • Direct edit option: The Edit button is now directly accessible from the post.


Assessment & Grading

Pop-out Rubric

Instructors can now pop out the grading rubric into a separate window when grading an assignment submission. The pop-out rubric is a separate, moveable window and formatted in a grid view.

  • Bulk Performance Level Selection: Instructors select a performance level heading to apply it across al relevant criteria, streamlining the grading process.

  • Cell Selection and Syncing: Selected rubric cells are highlighted, and the associated grade pill updates to reflect the chosen score. When the instructor selects Save, performance levels and feedback appear in the gradebook, as it has prior to this update.

  • Feedback Section Focus: Once a rubric cell is selected, the criterion feedback section automatically focuses on the textbox for immediate feedback entry.

  • Navigation Warning: A warning appears if instructors have unsaved changes in the pop-out rubric and they attempt to navigate to another student or attempt.

  • Grade Override Warning: If the grade is overridden, the rubric popout is inactive. A banner appears, showing that the grade was overridden, with an option to regrade using the rubric.

  • Printing: Instructors can print a blank or completed rubric using the browser's print function.


Reporting & Analytics

Course Goals Reports

Two new goals reports are available to Ultra courses:

Course Goal Coverage Report

  • Provides a comprehensive view of goal coverage for a single course.

  • Displays both covered and gap values for all associated curricular areas.

  • Includes a detailed breakdown of course items aligned with goals.

Course Goal Performance Report

  • Evaluates how a course meets selected goals.

  • Includes overall averages and detailed breakdowns for individual students and goals.

Instructors can gain deeper insights into how course content aligns with institutional goals. They can also assess student progress more effectively.

Visit Blackboard Help: Course Reports

Additional updates in March include:

  • Instructors can configure visibility for calculated columns from Items Management, which helps create a clean and organized grading workspace. The Overall Grade column cannot be hidden.

  • When the Mastery Gradebook is used in a course, the goal titles are better displayed above the columns. Icons are removed and there are now two lines for goal names. Additionally, hover text appears above goals to display the full name of the goal.

  • Blackboard system admins can reveal the identity of the author of an anonymous discussion post or reply in the event the anonymous feature is misused (e.g., bullying or other inappropriate behavior). A ticket will be required to document the request.

  • The test submission page for students is updated to ensure that feedback is clearly laid out and easy for students to identify. This is similar to the assignments submission page update that was released in September 2024.

  • Instructors now have the option to copy banners between courses (Ultra or Original). This is ideal for instructors who prefer to copy course content in parts rather than performing a full course copy.

February 6, 2025 (v3900.110)

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AI Course Design Assistant

Exclude descriptions from learning modules

Instructors can exclude descriptions from learning modules when generating these elements with the AI Course Design Assistant.

Visit Blackboard Help: AI Design Assistant 

AI Course Design Assistant

Increase number of generated test questions

When using the AI Design Assistant, instructors can now set the number of questions generated for tests and question banks to a maximum of 20. Generating more questions at once reduces the chance that similar questions will be generated.


Content Management

Convert folder to Learning Module

Instructors can now change a folder to a learning module or a learning module to a folder. Benefits of changing a folder to a learning module include: 

  • Thumbnail images: Learning modules come with thumbnail images, which provide a visually appealing course experience. 

  • Forced sequencing: Instructors can force students to navigate learning modules in linear paths. 

  • Progress bar: Learning modules have a progress bar for students that highlights the number of items that they need to complete and their progression on those items. 

  • Previous and next navigation: Students can quickly navigate to the next or previous item in a learning module. 

To give instructors more control over their courses, they can also change learning modules to folders. Instructors are warned that all learning module functions are removed when converting a learning module to a folder. 


Content Management

Upload images to Ultra Docs with new image block

Instructors can use the new image block in Ultra Documents to upload their own images, use the AI Design Assistant to generate images, or select images from Unsplash. Image blocks can be moved throughout a Document, just like other block types. Instructors have the option to resize images, set height, and maintain aspect ratios in image blocks. Adding images via the image block also reduces white space around images and provides greater control over content design. 

Visit Blackboard Help: Create Documents


Groups Management

To simplify group management and enhance usability for instructors, Blackboard made several improvements to course groups: 

  • The option to reuse activity-level groups was removed. This change encourages instructors to focus on course-level groups and reduces confusion. 

  • To prevent the creation of empty group sets during group assignments, there are added warning messages to help instructors make informed decisions and avoid disruptions in group management. 



Improvements to Test Settings

To enhance usability and improve the test-building experience, the Tests Settings panel was updated by removing the following assignment-specific options:

  • Collect submissions offline

  • Use grading rubric

  • Maximum points

  • 2 grades per student

  • Peer review

Additionally, the functionality for student visibility options and release conditions for tests was also updated. Now, instructors must add one or more questions to their test to make it visible to students or to add release conditions. This ensures that students only see assessments that they can actively engage with.



Bulk Conversion of Assignments to New Workflow

Assignments will be converted in a one-time, bulk process for assignments created prior to August 2024.

  • Assignment: Any existing assessment without questions (such as MCQ, Essay, Hotspot) is classified as an "assignment.". Assignments will be converted.

  • Test: Any existing assessment with questions (such as MCQ, Essay, Hotspot) is classified as a "test." Tests will not be converted.

The conversion will not affect existing student assignment attempts and grades, existing gradebook calculations, assignment Settings and Category designation, or tests.

The new assignment workflow enhancements included:

  • A new Instructions box with a full content editor for detailed assignment instructions.

  • A streamlined Settings panel with only options relevant to assignments.

  • No option to add questions, as assignments cannot contain questions.

  • Attempts are only created when students interact with the assignment, such as submitting a file or adding content to the editor.



Improvements to Grading Interface

To optimize the use of screen space and to give graders a larger view of the student submission, the grading interface for assignments and tests is updated:

  • Relocated the Previous Student and Next Student navigation controls next to the attempt grade pill and removed the gray bar that these buttons were on.

  • Replaced the Previous Student and Next Student buttons with <> arrows.

  • Moved the avatar, student name, and submission information to the existing black bar and removed the white bar where the information was previously listed.



Improved accuracy when uploading grades & feedback

Instructors can now upload grades and feedback for assignments, journals, and discussions with improved accuracy. Uploaded grades and feedback are now correctly mapped to the corresponding attempt or submission whenever possible. This reduces confusion and provides better clarity for instructors.



Improvements to grade entry for discussions & journals

Instructors can now enter discussion and journal grades directly in the Grid view or Grades & Participation page with improved accuracy and consistency. This update ensures that grades entered this way are properly mapped to the underlying attempt or submission when applicable.


Reporting & Analytics

IP address including in student activity log

IP addresses are now in the student activity log for assessment submissions and drafts. This new information can help with comparing data while reviewing a student’s test taking behavior 


Additional updates in February include:

  • When an instructor or exam proctor enters an access code for an assessment on a student's computer, the code is masked (*******) to ensure enhanced security. Previously, the code was visible when entered on a student's screen, compromising the secure testing environment. An option to view the code is available but the default state keeps it hidden, providing better privacy and protection during testing.

  • Files uploaded by instructors to Blackboard now retain their original formatting and characteristics wherever instructors can upload files.

  • Blackboard also enhanced how files submitted by students are rendered in Bb Annotate and will display with the exact same formatting as when they were submitted, ensuring a smoother grading experience. Supported file types include PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, and other common formats .

  • Students can now be confident that their files are successfully attached, received, and stored. They will be notified immediately if there are any issues with their file submissions.

    • Timed assessments: When a student uploads a file just before the timer runs out, the upload will complete before the attempt is auto-submitted.

    • Re-upload workflow: If a student's file doesn't upload correctly, they can easily re-upload it using the new workflow.

  • Blackboard adjusted the size of avatars and the position of time stamps in discussion replies to improve the user experience. Replies to posts are now easier to identify and avatar sizes are consistent. 

  • Instructors can choose to exclude attempts that they do not intend to grade. Excluded attempts are removed from the Needs Grading workflow and any gradebook calculations, which provides instructors with a more accurate overview of their outstanding grading workload.

January 9, 2025 (v3900.108)

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AI Course Design Assistant

Improvements to speed and complexity in outputs

Blackboard improved the following auto-generation features of the AI Design Assistant to have faster and more complex outputs. 

  • Assignments 

  • Discussions 

  • Journals 

  • Test questions 

  • Learning modules

  • AI Conversation avatars 

  • Keywords for Unsplash 

Visit Blackboard Help: AI Design Assistant 

AI Course Design Assistant

Improvements to image generation

Blackboard improved the quality of the images generated by the AI Design Assistant, making them look more realistic. Instructors can generate images faster and the image files require less storage space. 

Visit Blackboard Help: AI Design Assistant 

Content Management

Add Submission Attempt for Release Conditions

Instructors can now use item submission status for a release condition. For example, an instructor who wants students to access a document only after submitting a quiz would use a release condition. Students can access content items without needing to wait for a grade to be posted. 

Visit Blackboard Help: Content Release Conditions 

Grading & the Gradebook

Show or hide column from instructors in the gradebook

Instructors can now configure column visibility for their gradebook view, ensuring a cleaner and more organized workspace when grading. We've added a new Items Management page accessible from the Gradebook Settings panel. From this page, instructors can configure visibility for a single column selection or in bulk.

Visibility settings apply to all gradebook views for non-student users (instructors, TAs, graders), including the Grade page, Gradable Items page, and Overview page. The student view of any grading-related page is unaffected. If an instructor hides a column from their gradebook, that column continues to appear for students.

Visit Blackboard Help: Ultra Gradebook

Grading & the Gradebook

Direct grade entry from Grid view or Submissions page

Instructors can now enter grades directly in the Grid view or Submissions page with improved accuracy and consistency. Previously, grades entered in these views were stored at the override level, which caused confusion as underlying attempts remained ungraded and continued to display the Needs Grading and New Submission flags. This update ensures that grades entered this way are properly mapped to the underlying attempt or submission when applicable.

All grades entered via Grades tab, Submissions page, or file upload continue to be stored a override grades.

Single Attempt Assignments

  • Ungraded Attempts. When an ungraded attempt is found, the grade is stored at the attempt level, the Needs Grading and New Submission flags are cleared, and any auto-zero is removed.

  • Graded Attempts. If the attempt is already graded, the attempt grade is updated accordingly.

  • No Submission. For students with no submission, the grade is stored as an override.

  • Existing Overrides. If an override already exists, only the override is updated. No changes are made to the attempt grade.

Multiple Attempt Assignments

  • Ungraded Attempts. The Needs Grading and New Submission flags are cleared, and any auto-zero is removed. If all attempts are ungraded, the grade is assigned to the appropriate attempt based on the aggregation model:

    • First: The grade is assigned to the first attempt.

    • Last: The grade is assigned to the last attempt.

    • All (Min, Max, & Average): The grade is assigned to the last attempt. All other attempts are excluded.

  • Graded Attempt. For a single graded attempt, the attempt grade is updated.

  • Multiple Graded Attempts. If more than one attempt is graded, the grade is stored as an override. The Needs Grading and New Submission label remain unchanged.

  • No Submission. For students with no submission, the grade is stored as an override.


Grading & the Gradebook

Visibility of Mastery Gradebook

Instructors can manage the availability of the Mastery Gradebook for themselves and their students. The configuration includes the Instructor Visibility toggle and the Student Visibility toggle.

  • The Mastery goal tab for instructors setting determines if the Mastery tab is available for the instructors in their course.

  • The Mastery goal tab for students setting determines if the Mastery tab is available to students in the course.

Visit Blackboard Help: Mastery Tab and Course Settings

Course Management

Course Availability Moves to Course Settings

Instructors can now manage course access state settings through the Course Settings page. This change streamlines administrative tasks and enhances usability for instructors teaching courses.

Instructors or users with appropriate privileges can set the course state from Course Settings. This functionality was previously called Course is Open/Private and found in the Details & Actions panel.

Course access states are as follows:

  • Open. Course content is available to students.

  • Closed. Course content is not available to students. Previously called Private.

  • Complete. No changes can be made by students or instructors.

Visit Blackboard Help: Course Settings

Additional updates in January include:

  • The output languages available for AI workflows now include Greek, Catalan, Croatian, Irish, and Slovenian. For a list of all languages available for AI outputs, refer to AI Design Assistant for Instructors

  • When instructors create or edit a document, the content block no longer closes when they collapse the menu in the editor. Also, the editor no longer closes when editing table settings. 

  • The default file option when instructors upload files to documents is now View and Download. Also, instructors can now use the Undo and Redo functions for file uploads. 

  • Blackboard changed the availability of the Achievements tab in courses. The Achievements tab is now hidden from students until the instructor creates and posts Achievements for students to earn. 

  • The Assign Automatic Zeros for Past Due Work option is now turned off by default for newly-created Ultra courses. Existing courses are unaffected. Changing the default setting to off prevents students from automatically receiving zeros for past due assignments. Instructors can turn on automatic zeros for late submissions in the Gradebook Settings panel.



View previous updates to the Ultra Experience.


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