Ultra: What's new in the Ultra Experience?

UMBC's Blackboard receives monthly updates as part of Blackboard's continuous delivery model. As a software industry standard practice, continuous delivery updates are small, may include maintenance, enhancements and/or new features, and are delivered on a more frequent and consistent basis. Read the latest news about Ultra updates at myUMBC.

This page lists the monthly updates. If you are looking for specific features, please see: What tools are available in an Ultra course? or Is Ultra right for me?

The most recent updates are posted at the top of this page. 

View previous updates to the Ultra Experience.

January 9, 2024 (v3900.108)

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AI Course Design Assistant

Improvements to speed and complexity in outputs

Blackboard improved the following auto-generation features of the AI Design Assistant to have faster and more complex outputs. 

  • Assignments 

  • Discussions 

  • Journals 

  • Test questions 

  • Learning modules

  • AI Conversation avatars 

  • Keywords for Unsplash 

Visit Blackboard Help: AI Design Assistant 

AI Course Design Assistant

Improvements to image generation

Blackboard improved the quality of the images generated by the AI Design Assistant, making them look more realistic. Instructors can generate images faster and the image files require less storage space. 

Visit Blackboard Help: AI Design Assistant 

Content Management

Add Submission Attempt for Release Conditions

Instructors can now use item submission status for a release condition. For example, an instructor who wants students to access a document only after submitting a quiz would use a release condition. Students can access content items without needing to wait for a grade to be posted. 

Visit Blackboard Help: Content Release Conditions 

Grading & the Gradebook

Show or hide column from instructors in the gradebook

Instructors can now configure column visibility for their gradebook view, ensuring a cleaner and more organized workspace when grading. We've added a new Items Management page accessible from the Gradebook Settings panel. From this page, instructors can configure visibility for a single column selection or in bulk.

Visibility settings apply to all gradebook views for non-student users (instructors, TAs, graders), including the Grade page, Gradable Items page, and Overview page. The student view of any grading-related page is unaffected. If an instructor hides a column from their gradebook, that column continues to appear for students.

Visit Blackboard Help: Ultra Gradebook

Grading & the Gradebook

Direct grade entry from Grid view or Submissions page

Instructors can now enter grades directly in the Grid view or Submissions page with improved accuracy and consistency. Previously, grades entered in these views were stored at the override level, which caused confusion as underlying attempts remained ungraded and continued to display the Needs Grading and New Submission flags. This update ensures that grades entered this way are properly mapped to the underlying attempt or submission when applicable.

All grades entered via Grades tab, Submissions page, or file upload continue to be stored a override grades.

Single Attempt Assignments

  • Ungraded Attempts. When an ungraded attempt is found, the grade is stored at the attempt level, the Needs Grading and New Submission flags are cleared, and any auto-zero is removed.

  • Graded Attempts. If the attempt is already graded, the attempt grade is updated accordingly.

  • No Submission. For students with no submission, the grade is stored as an override.

  • Existing Overrides. If an override already exists, only the override is updated. No changes are made to the attempt grade.

Multiple Attempt Assignments

  • Ungraded Attempts. The Needs Grading and New Submission flags are cleared, and any auto-zero is removed. If all attempts are ungraded, the grade is assigned to the appropriate attempt based on the aggregation model:

    • First: The grade is assigned to the first attempt.

    • Last: The grade is assigned to the last attempt.

    • All (Min, Max, & Average): The grade is assigned to the last attempt. All other attempts are excluded.

  • Graded Attempt. For a single graded attempt, the attempt grade is updated.

  • Multiple Graded Attempts. If more than one attempt is graded, the grade is stored as an override. The Needs Grading and New Submission label remain unchanged.

  • No Submission. For students with no submission, the grade is stored as an override.


Grading & the Gradebook

Visibility of Mastery Gradebook

Instructors can manage the availability of the Mastery Gradebook for themselves and their students. The configuration includes the Instructor Visibility toggle and the Student Visibility toggle.

  • The Mastery goal tab for instructors setting determines if the Mastery tab is available for the instructors in their course.

  • The Mastery goal tab for students setting determines if the Mastery tab is available to students in the course.

Visit Blackboard Help: Mastery Tab and Course Settings

Course Management

Course Availability Moves to Course Settings

Instructors can now manage course access state settings through the Course Settings page. This change streamlines administrative tasks and enhances usability for instructors teaching courses.

Instructors or users with appropriate privileges can set the course state from Course Settings. This functionality was previously called Course is Open/Private and found in the Details & Actions panel.

Course access states are as follows:

  • Open. Course content is available to students.

  • Closed. Course content is not available to students. Previously called Private.

  • Complete. No changes can be made by students or instructors.

Visit Blackboard Help: Course Settings

Additional updates in January include:

  • The output languages available for AI workflows now include Greek, Catalan, Croatian, Irish, and Slovenian. For a list of all languages available for AI outputs, refer to AI Design Assistant for Instructors

  • When instructors create or edit a document, the content block no longer closes when they collapse the menu in the editor. Also, the editor no longer closes when editing table settings. 

  • The default file option when instructors upload files to documents is now View and Download. Also, instructors can now use the Undo and Redo functions for file uploads. 

  • Blackboard changed the availability of the Achievements tab in courses. The Achievements tab is now hidden from students until the instructor creates and posts Achievements for students to earn. 

  • The Assign Automatic Zeros for Past Due Work option is now turned off by default for newly-created Ultra courses. Existing courses are unaffected. Changing the default setting to off prevents students from automatically receiving zeros for past due assignments. Instructors can turn on automatic zeros for late submissions in the Gradebook Settings panel.



View previous updates to the Ultra Experience.