Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Library Assembly
Welcome to the Library Assembly Wiki Pages
Here you will find information on the Library Assembly, including its officers, minutes, and meeting information.
FY 2024 Officers
Chair: Joanna Gadsby, Reference,
Vice Chair: Susan Graham, Special Collections,
Secretary: Olivia Luzier,
Please feel free to contact the officers at any time with any questions, concerns, or items you would like to be added to the agenda. The function of the Library Assembly is to establish and maintain effective communication among all Library & Gallery staff. Meetings are a forum where you can make your voice heard on issues relating to the Library and campus in general. You may also contact officers in advance regarding topics you would like to be discussed. Officers convene 15 minutes prior to the meeting time for this purpose. If you don't want to communicate with Assembly officers directly, we also have an anonymous online form.
For more information, please see the Library Assembly Bylaws, updated July 2021.pdf, and accepted by Library vote in August 2021
For past bylaws, see archived Library Assembly bylaws (9.11.2019)
Current meeting minutes, dates, and agendas can be found on the Library Internal Communication myUMBC page
These and older meeting minutes can be found at: I:\Committees\Library Assembly\Minutes
If you'd like to learn more about anything you heard at a Library Assembly meeting, or hear news between meetings, keep an eye on the news feed here.
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian