Guideline 126 - Meetings

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 126 - Meetings

Effective and efficient departmental operations are also facilitated when staff meet periodically to discuss various aspects of library operations in general and in detail.

Unit heads are expected to communicate frequently with staff under their supervision, holding meetings of all or part of the unit staff as appropriate to communicate or discuss changes in guidelines or procedures; discuss developments; constructively examine unit and library operations; and plan for the future.

Periodic meetings (ordinarily monthly) of all library staff are also held to discuss items of more general interest, concern, or impact. The Director or designee is responsible for scheduling and setting agenda for these meetings. Because certain units must continue to offer public services during these meetings and because individual work schedules may prevent, attendance at all-staff meetings is ordinarily voluntary, although strongly encouraged.

Additional meetings of staff may also be convened as appropriate, including meetings of student assistants for orientation and instruction, meetings of library faculty for professional review or elections, etc.

GOVERNANCE: Established in November, 2002:

Function: To establish overall direction of the Library & Gallery in matters of library business. Decisions will be by consensus, and where consensus does not occur the LEC shall be advisory to the Director.
Membership: Director, Associate Directors, and Library Budget Officer
Meetings: As needed, at least twice monthly

Function: Discussion and advising on guidelines, services, programs, and strategic planning; sharing information with staff; advancement of staff knowledge base and skills; development of mentoring and professional growth opportunities.
Membership: All Library & Gallery staff, i.e. Library persons employed on a regular or contingent basis.
Meetings: Quorum is 25% of eligible staff. Self-governing, with monthly meetings. (See "UMBC Library Governance Proposal" posted under LibDocs/plans/consultant report). Assembly elects its Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary.

reference: unit heads meeting minutes for 7/29/91, 9/30/91.
see also: 126 Appendix A. meeting guidelines, "UMBC Library Governance Proposal" of 11/01.
revised 6/23/92, 2/10/99, 6/6/01. Revisions re. governance implemented 6/21/02.
Revised re. LEC membership 7/14/03.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian