Library Assembly Minutes 011110

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Library Assembly Minutes 011110

Library Assembly Minutes
Monday, January 11, 2010
Welcome and Open Announcements
Library Assembly Special Budget and Blue Ribbon Committee Meeting, Wednesday, January 13, 3PM on 7th floor.
Next Library Assembly Meeting, Wednesday, February 10th at 2:00PM on 7th floor
Event Announcements
Simmona Simmons and Shu Qian will be leading a workshop on How to Use Library Resources on February 3rd at 1PM in room 259.  The workshop will be open to faculty and staff.  Watch for an e-mail announcement. 

Library Director's Report
Larry Wilt wishes us each and everyone a Happy New Year.
 H1N1 e-mail out to Kuhn list.  CDC now suggests that everyone get the vaccination.  There are ample supplies.  University Health Services is provided shots.  For additional information see http://umbcinsightsweekly.wordpress.com/2010/01/05/h1n1-flu-vaccinations-in-2010/
 There have been heating problems in the building recently.  Over the break there was water in the sub-basement and at least one circuit breaker panel was damaged.  When we returned on 4 January, there was still some water in the sub-basement and heat in the Technical Services area had not been restored.  There were problems getting space heaters from Facilities Management for the affected areas.  Most of the repairs are done.  For the long term, we need to look at the cold spots in the building and get legal space heaters in the building from Facilities Management.  Larry is trying to get written guidelines on how and when we can get space heaters.  Please notify the Administrative Offices, 5-2356, if you have problems. 
 Larry met with Elliot Hirshman (Provost) and Tony Moreira (Vice Provost for Academic Affairs) concerning the Student Learning Center on January 4th.  Hirshman supports the idea of a Student Learning Center, but in these difficult budget times feels that we need to put together a plan that will require about 1/3 of the resources recommended in the architect's concept study.  The concept study estimated 1.6 to 2 million dollars.  Larry and others will be meeting with the campus architect to look at what a 1/3 sized project might be.  Information on the Student Learning Center can be found here http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/spaces/slc.php 
There is also a page containing links to a Focus Group report and an early presentation here http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/slc/
 A to Z Journal List demo
Kelly Shipp gave a demonstration of the A to Z journal list.  She called it "Journal Finder on steroids."  This tool includes all of the records from the old Journal Finder and all of the online access journals that we have available.  In all, there are about 111,000 records in the list as of January 11th.     
 Access is by title, subject areas, and a database list.  Additionally, there is a search box that allows for searching by publisher name and ISSN.  This is now the place to begin if you are looking for a particular journal.  Check it out. 

Department Reports
Accounting & Receiving  Busy 
Acquisitions   Robin has arranged for visit by YBP on January 29th to talk about their ordering system.  Implementation is for Fall 2010.  YBP bought BNA (one of our primary vendors), so we will need to transition from BNA's ordering system to YBP's. 
Bibliographic & Metadata Services   Processing purchased items, working on Hughes image collection.  We lost a Cataloging student, so Heather is busy training a new one.  Lindsey Loeper thanked BMS for making some student time available to scan Hughes images.     
Circulation   The Fall semester returns were not extreme.  Book drop is up and working, but not a lot of use at this time.  Maybe 6 books at one time as peak.  Expect usage to pick up as we enter Spring semester.
Collection Management   Receiving lots of gifts (end of year).
ILL  Pace slowing due to break. Only one student here so this works out well.
Library Information Technology Services   New application being installed to track computers in use.  Putting the floor plan into place.  Should be ready in a month or so.  Will be available on kiosk system and on web (stay tuned for url)   
Media   Starting to make room in back for slides.  The slide library is projected to move from its current location at some point after the completion of the new Performing Arts & Humanities facility.    
Reference   Janet has completed the new Library web page.  Instruction requests for the next semester have started
Serials   Kelly has gotten the A-Z list up and running.  See demo section above  http://atoz.ebsco.com/titles.asp?Id=10975&sid=82349037&TabID=2
Receiving and negotiating license agreements for 2010.  Ongoing project to clean up current serials displays.  We have cancelled hundreds of titles. 
Special Collections & Gallery   Gallery is preparing for upcoming show "Shadow and Substance: African American Images from The Burns Archive."  The show will run from January 25-March 19.  The President's Office records finding aid is up on the web.     http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/specoll/President/index.phpJeff Karr is working on this as part of the 50th Anniversary preparation.  The first two presidents are done and the next couple will be added soon.  Please visit and use the Special Collections link to send feedback. 

Committee & Working Group Reports
Library Executive Committee (LEC)  Items have already been covered, except for those to be addressed in the Library Wide Meeting on Budget and Blue Ribbon Committee for Wednesday Jan 13 at 3PM on 7th floor. 
Cheers    No meeting since Holiday party. 
Library Employee Enrichment Committee (LEEC)  Look for an update to the Audio and Web Conferences wiki page https://spaces.umbc.edu/display/library/LEEC+Audio+and+Web+Conferences
Working on upcoming Staff Day for May 27th with the Communications Working Group.  Lindsey reports that there will be two larger sessions.  One will be a panel on Intercultural Communication featuring Gergana Kostova and Joyce Ingram.  Other panel members are not yet confirmed.   There will also be a Health Issues panel featuring Jenifer Lepus. 
Vicki reports that plans for 6-8 exhibits are coming along.  We have volunteers for the following: 1) Tom Beck on Dating your family photographs, 2) Jenny O'Grady on Making a book and 3) Lindsey Loeper on UMBC photo display.  Thank you for volunteering.  We have requests for exhibits on: 1) Photography, 2) Cooking, 3) Crafts, 4) Knitting or crochet, and 5) Exhibit of photos taken by staff.  Please contact Vicki (sipe@umbc.edu) or Shu (qian@umbc.edu) if you are willing to volunteer for an exhibit or if you have additional thoughts on what kind of exhibit you would like to see.
Building   Trouble shooting as things happen.
Local LIMS  The migration to version 20 of Aleph is coming up.  Review of documentation by the Task Groups has begun.  ITD will begin testing this month.  Task Groups will test from Feb to March.  ITD will work on fixes with migration planning and testing to happen with assistance from Task Groups during May and June.  The migration should happen by mid-July.  Alert staffers noticed that we are going from version 18 to 20.  There was an evaluation of version 19 by Task Groups during 2009 and a decision was reached to skip the upgrade to 19 in favor of migrating from 18 to 20.  Version 19 did not seem to offer much improvement in systems for the trouble of the migration.    
Working Groups:
Document Management Working Group  No meeting
PR & Marketing Committee  Working on Friends of the Library publication.  Contact Simmona Simmons (simmons@umbc.edu) if you have an article for the newsletter.  She also needs a proofreader.
Library Web Group   The new Library web page is up.  Comments and feedback to Janet Hack (jhack@umbc.edu) would be appreciated.  May and students put together a mobile version of the web site, which is now available.  New features are being added.  For information see below and contact Janet with comments/questions. http://www.umbc.edu/blogs/library/2009/12/aok_library_mobile.html
Reference has switched the live chat software.   Called Libraryh3lp, the new software will allow access by more than one librarian at a time.     
Communications Working Group  Working on Staff Day.  See above under LEEC.
Service Desk Digital Signage Group   Nothing new to report. 
Digital Collections Team  Collections subgroup has a meeting this week.  Institutional Repository subgroup sponsored a brown bag by Gergana Kostova about best practices.  They are meeting in two weeks and are currently exploring systems available for IR.    
Next Library Assembly Meeting is Wednesday, February 10th, 2010, 2:00-3:30, 7th floor.    
Library Assembly Meeting adjourned.
Draft by Vicki Sipe, 13 January 2010

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian