Library Assembly Minutes 091608

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Library Assembly Minutes 091608

Library Assembly | Minutes | September 16, 2008

All officers were present.

Meeting came to order at 2:10 PM

Director's Report
Three Issues from LEC:
1.   Annual Report
-         The first draft of the Library annual report (summary of recent accomplishments and progress) is posted on I:\LibDocs\PLANS - current\annual report draft.doc.  It will also be posted on the Confluence wiki. 
-         Everyone is invited to comment on the document. Comments may be sent to Linda Durkos by email, through your LEC representative, or by commenting on the wiki page.
-         Please think of improvements that can be made to the document.  If something needs to be discussed, you may bring it to the next Library Assembly meeting. If it does not need to be discussed, please comment through the above channels.

2.   Communication
-         The Communication and Document Management Working Group (CDMWG) has been working on making documents more easily accessible
-         There is a need to improve informal communication
o   We need to start coming up with solutions to problems and actions that can be taken.
o   One possibility is the formation of a sub-group of CDMWG or a whole new group to address the informal (written and unwritten) communication issues within the Library.
o   "Informal communication" is vague, and input from others is needed to define the problems and come up with ways to take action to address the cultural and practical issues related to it.
-         Discussion points raised
o   The importance of defining a charge for the group/sub-group that would address the informal communication problems and come up with solutions.
o   Units should have regular meetings with their LEC representatives, to be briefed on the most recent issues discussed at the LEC meeting and to give feedback that the LEC rep can bring back to the next meeting.
o   Remembering that communication problems can occur if decisions are made in isolation about something that affects another unit. Think about if this decision impacts another unit, and if so, how is the best way to communicate that information?
o   We have to be better educated about what information other departments need to know.
o   More things need to be brought to the Library Assembly (LA) before decisions are made.
o   There should be more cross-department groups and meetings at the level of the people doing the work, not just LEC.  Staff members need to get together and discuss things that don't rise to the level of LEC.
o   Expectations should be well communicated by the unit head.
o   Small details can grow to include more departments (e.g. the need for photocopiers).
o   Examples of airing problems that affect more than one department: bringing the issue to LEC, or discussing it at LA.
-         Outcomes
o   CDMWG members will meet to decide if they want a sub-group or if there needs to be a call for new group members.  They will report back with comments.

3.   Proposal to have space on the wiki to update Library staff on projects - library-wide and departmental, so that everyone can be aware of what is going on (e.g. a one stop shop for information on a project such as the roof project, with updates on the progress).
-         Discussion points raised
o   There is a mechanism in the wiki so that people can get email notifications when there is an update.
o   Other features and possible uses of the Confluence wiki: to manage emails (e.g. a way to manage the Kuhn list emails), to share information about conferences and classes attended, to share links, bookmark saving and management.
-         Outcomes
o   The issue was referred to CDMWG.

The Roof Project
-         We do not know when it will be completed.
o   The contractors have a 90-day deadline.
-         There was vandalism on the roof - items were thrown off the roof and there was damage done to the roof.
o   If you heard or saw anything, please let Larry know.
o   The vandalism will not hold up the roof project.
-         There have been a few roof leak incidents, but nothing has put Special Collections at risk.
o   Water was coming in on the rug of the 3rd floor, the source of which is unknown.
o   The leak in Room 150C has been fixed, but it still needs to be watched.

Plans for the Coffee Shop in the Atrium
-         The new coffee shop will be a more permanent operation that complies with health codes.
-         It will be facing the security desk, in front of where the old coffee shop was.
-         They will tunnel the drainage out to the garden area, and tunnel the sewer line back to the crawl space under the gallery.
-         The construction schedule is not known.

Open Announcements

There were no open announcements.

CDMWG Presentation
Janet Hack and Michelle Flinchbaugh presented on the Library Guidelines and Procedures in the Confluence wiki and on the new structure of the I:Drive, particularly the Allshare folder.

1.   The Library Guidelines and Procedures were moved into Confluence to create better display and searching capability.  See: https://spaces.umbc.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3180249
-         Everyone can see the guidelines without logging in (however you cannot make any edits without logging in.)
o   To search the guidelines, enter "guideline and _____(your search terms)" into the search box.
-         Because guideline names were not intuitive, the group created subheadings for the table of contents and slightly reordered them into a more logical grouping, to improve findability.
o   Two different presentation and groupings were shown to the LA
§  One with expanded sections and more descriptive section names. This option had dropdowns, therefore in order to see subheadings, you would have to click.
§  The other option had the same seven sections as in the previous table of contents, but had the subheadings showing on the page, therefore you do not have to click to see them.  However, it was longer, and you would have to scroll to see them.
o   Discussion points raised
§  What about references in a guideline to another guideline?
-         The original order of the guidelines is intact in the chart that records revisions, edits and website status.  Also, the guidelines retain their numbers and one can search by guideline number.
o   Outcomes
§  The consensus was to choose the option with more sections because it is more descriptive and user-friendly to those unfamiliar with the guidelines.
§  CDMWG will link this version to the Library website.
§  CDMWG encouraged feedback about the new structure, e.g. if a guideline does not seem to be in the right category, etc.  Please comment on the wiki.
-         The procedures for revising guidelines were presented and comments were invited.  Take a look at them, try them out and see if they work, and make comments. See: https://spaces.umbc.edu/display/library/Revising+Guidelines
-         LEC is working on issues with the guidelines, e.g. inconsistent use of terminology.
-         More Discussion
o   If guidelines are spelled out on a web page, but are then updated in the wiki, how do we manage updating the web pages with the policies?
§  It was recommended that any web page with a guideline have a link to the Confluence wiki instead of rewriting the policy on the page.
§  Confluence can handle graphics

2.   New I:Drive / Allshare Structure
-         Three new folders were created on the I:Drive to be used in place of Allshare:
o   Committees:  for committees, working groups
o   Interdepartmental:  for 2+ departments working on a project or for documents that affect more than one department
o   Library-wide:  of general library interest
-         CDMWG will begin moving items that are current from Allshare into the new folders.
o   Nothing will be deleted, just moved.
o   If you notice a break in a document that was linked, tell CDMWG and it will be moved back.
o   This work should be done by Friday.

Department Reports

1.   Accounting & Receiving:  Questions regarding the new trash collection were raised.  The cardboard recycling dumpster has been removed from Walker Avenue. Now, a small truck comes up the loading dock, and it is not known if they should be allowed into the Library or how often they will come to collect trash.

Larry Wilt or Linda Durkos will find out about the new trash collection and cardboard recycling procedure. 

2.   Acquisitions:  They have added more enhancements to the web ordering, including an "Approve All" button, an "Order History" button, and there are free balances are in the system for nearly all funds (currently working on endowment funds).  They are moving their procedures to Confluence and hiring and training new students.  Anna's last day will be 11/26/08 (she will be using leave with an official end date in January 2009).

3.   BMS: Temporary, professional catalogers have been hired and are working evenings and weekends to catch up on the backlog from Linda's absence while she was at UMCP.  There was no air conditioning for the catalogers on Sunday. Per Larry Wilt:  If this happens again, call Work Control x52550 and explain the problem.  If it is not remedied quickly, call the Library Admin. Office.  New materials are beginning to pick up, so there is less time for the Special Collections project.  They are hiring new students and training them on video transcription, mending, and copy cataloging  The search for the Head of Technical Services is underway.

4. Circulation:  Interviews for the 30-hour technician are completed and they hope to make an offer with a start date in October.  Genie has hired new students.  They are shifting on the 7th floor and using the top shelf.  Working with Reference, they are continuing to weed the 3rd floor and will shift afterwards.

5.  CMILL: The book sale will be held in the Rotunda on Wednesday, November 12thfrom 9:00am to 7:00pm and Thursday, November 13th from 9:00am to 4:30pm.  ILL is picking up and they have hired a new student.

6.  LITS: No one present to report.

7.  Media: Very busy - last month they accounted for 53% of the Library's circulation.  They have put ~10 tutorials online.

8.  Reference: Two open searches for librarians; two candidates are coming this week.  They have ~90 instruction sessions this semester.  They are hiring students.  The Maryland documents weeding and reorganization project is ongoing. There are lots of database trials. Everyone is encouraged to look at them and give feedback.

9. Serials: They have two students on Saturdays, one of which is in a supervisory role (Krystal). She is getting cross-trained to work in Media in case they need her. 2/3 of the shifting project in the J-Z wing is done. They were getting rid of duplicates, but now that there is no cardboard dumpster; that is on hold. UPDATE 9/19/2008: The cleaning crew now takes out Serials duplicates on Fridays.

10.  Special Collections:  Robin Martin has started as the new technician.  Procedures are in Confluence.  SC is working on CONTENTdm and PastPerfect, and on determining materials to be placed in the vault.  There was an inventory done of the archival holdings in 038.  New student assistants are being trained. 

Committees and Working Groups

1.   Cheers: The holiday party will take place on 12/19.  They are planning something for Halloween.

2.  LEEC: The public speaking workshop was well-received.  They are looking for plans for January, and are asking that suggestions be sent to them.

3. Building Report:  *Melissa Button will be on leave for a month starting Wednesday, September 17, 2008.There are delays from the vendor for the new copiers. Circulation will be trying out a new Océ copier. Two projector units were installed: 1) in the 7th floor open area - security issues, but screen, projection and audio work; 2) in the Gallery - worked successfully at the Social Sciences and Humanities Forum lecture. Student Learning Center:

-         They are working with Facilities Management to work with an architect for the concept study.

-         May Chang is working with a local vendor to get furniture for the demo space (in Reference) to show what the space might look like.  When the price quote is received, they will take it to the planning committee.

-         The demo of the presentation practice room will be located on the 4thfloor.

The Porter archive will be moved to a dedicated processing space on the lower level.  The Porter Room (3rd floor) will be used for additional office space.   The materials cannot be moved yet because leaks in the basement air ducts were found. Facilities Management recommended a new air duct.  Larry requested a temporary repair, but has not heard back from Facilities Management. 

4. Web Group:  There is a new spotlight section on the home page.  If you have anything you would like to be included on it, please contact Janet Hack.  The IS Department will be conducting a formal usability study for the Library website.

Meeting adjourned at 3:55pm. DRAFT by Susan Graham, 9/18/2008

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian