Library Assembly Minutes 033109

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Library Assembly Minutes 033109

Library Assembly
March 31, 2009
LIB 767

Officers LaTanya West and Susan Graham were present.
Meeting came to order at 2:05PM

Open Announcements
• None

Director's Report
Introductions of new employees
• Larry Wilt (LW) introduced Lynda Aldana (LA), the new Head of Technical Services. Welcome, Lynda!
• He also announced that Jeff Karr (the ASM archivist) was hired as the part-time Project Archivist. He started 3/23/2009 and will be working Mon. - Wed. mornings in Special Collections, and Wed. - Fri. afternoons with ASM. He is working a 6-month appointment with the potential of the campus funding for a longer period. His work will aid in the writing of the UMBC history that should be done before the 50th anniversary in 2016. Welcome, Jeff!
Library hours
• LW will meet with the President's Council at 3:00 pm on 3/31/2009 to discuss lengthening the library's hours, in response to a student campaign for longer hours (with their ideal hours being 24-7).
• Additionally, there are security and safety concerns regarding students using other buildings that are not officially open for study. Campus would like to consolidate a safe and secure place for students to study.
• LW remarked that there is a legitimate need to extend hours, however there are two problems: 1) how to staff the longer hours?; 2) even if we get the staff, how to pay for it? LW thinks we will extend hours during exam time, but that the budget will prevent longer hours year round.
Personnel changes
• LW announced that the Library's excellent employee, Linda Seguin (LS), is leaving. She is going to work at UMCP in ITD. Her last day will be 4/10/2009. Thanks for all your hard work and best of luck to you, Linda!
• Melissa Button (MB) has returned. Welcome back, Melissa!
o MB will be conducting another run-through/survey to ascertain the state of the building. She will be taking with departments about renovations and refurbishing.
o LW resubmitted an old list of renovations and refurbishments to Tony Moreira, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.
 The most urgent projects were: 1) carpet in various areas; 2) refurbishment in the Technical Services women's bathroom.
USMAI Library Directors' Planning Retreat
• LW will give details when the official report of the meeting is released.
• The revised vision and mission will be sent to Library staff.
o UPDATE: LS sent an email with the proposed new statements of vision, mission, and values for the USMAI to the Kuhn list.
• No new news

Department Reports
1. Accounting & Receiving: They have a new bell. All Library staff were encouraged to start thinking about yearly supply lists. During April, Alla Noyvert (AN) and Julie Wu (JW) will both be out at overlapping times.

2. Acquisitions: Jenn Fitch and Heather Moss's presentation went well at the Computers in Libraries conference. Trisha Mott is recovering from surgery. AN and JW are taking care of rush orders. The EDI is not working. They are running out of money. Video tutorials (using Wink) are being tested in the consortium for ASTG training. There are no book trucks for new books.

3. BMS: CONTENTdm is upgraded and they are gearing up for training, working on workflow, and training on describing images. 2/25/2009 BMS copy catalogers finished the Special Collections (SC) cleanup project based on work done by Mary Jane Arnold, a volunteer in SC. They fixed problems and added nearly 1,000 items for SC into the catalog. They reclassed ~700 novels in the Science Fiction collection. It was a good collaboration between the copy catalogers, BMS, & SC.

4. Circulation: They are moving toward implementing the Library version of Peoplesoft. The late fee of $5 that is charged to patrons will now go to the Library, instead of the Bursar. They are shopping for a bookdrop and will be carrying out a pilot trial run with an indoor drop. Weeding and shifting on the 3rd floor. Once the PZ reclass is done, they will be shifting on the 4th floor.

5. CM/ILL: ILL is very busy, March & April is the busiest time. The book sale will be held 4/22/2009 and 4/23/2009 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm (both days). The faculty preview will take place the week before.

6. LITS: DoIT has conducted a survey about wireless access on all floors of the Library. DoIT has added service points to cut down on overload for 1st and 2nd floors; floors 3-7 were fine.

7. Media: Room 258: A/V equipment is working well, they're just waiting for a computer.

8. Reference: The instruction sessions for the semester are winding down. Several librarians have gone to conferences, including WebWise, CIL, and ACRL. They are reviewing database and standing order subscriptions. Two faculty workshops will be held next week: Wed. 4/8/2009: Web of Knowledge; Thurs 4/9/2009: End Note Web. The staff is working on spreading awareness for the McNaughton collection.

9. Serials: Joyce Tenney (JT) is getting ready to send a memo to library liaisons regarding the approximate 10% reduction in the serials budget. Interviews for the Assistant Serials Electronic Resources Librarian will take place 4/1/2009 and 4/2/2009, with open sessions for staff at 11:00 am -12:00 pm in Room 259.

10. Special Collections (SC): Lindsey Loeper (LL) will hold a training workshop, "Intro to the Records Management Policy," on 4/14/2009 (session full), 5/28/2009, and 6/9/2009. She also taught an "Introduction to Archives Research" class that drew 8 undergraduate and graduate students. A student from the English department will be scanning Retrievers older than 2003. The video, "Visiting Special Collections," is now online - thanks Joe Clark (JC)! The next gallery exhibit, "Torrijos: The Man and The Myth" will be open from April 7 through June 1. It's an exhibition of previously unviewed photographs of Graciela Iturbide, one of Mexico's most celebrated photographers. The program will be held 4/22/2009 at 4:00 pm in the Gallery. SC is disposing of material that will not be added to the collections, sending to CM. Items kept will go to BMS. SC has had many classes this semester. Shifting in the Rosenfeld Science Fiction collection is completed. Scanning on the Hughes collection continues.

Committees and Working Groups
1. Cheers: The picnic will be on Friday, June 5, 2009.
2. LEEC: Co-sponsored the DMWG wiki training. Had a well-attended workshop on communication. The group is planning to meet next week. They want to have an event every month. They are accepting new members. If you're interested in joining, contact LaTanya West.
3. Building Report: Window washing is still not completed on the inside and outside of the first floor.
4. DMWG: Asked for comment from the Assembly about whether there is anything the group can do, e.g. more training. The only accessible version of the Library Guidelines is on the Confluence wiki.
5. CONTENTdm: The group is expanding into a Digital Collections/Initiatives working group. When LA is settled in, they will put out a call for new members.
6. PR & Marketing: Investigating a logo for the Library.
7. Library Web Group: May be looking at an overall redesign of the website. The results from the usability study have not been received.
8. Tutorials Working Group: JC is handling the videos, and Janet Hack is directing the online tutorials. Videos in progress include an overview of SC and one about working in the Library. At the next meeting, the group will discuss its future.
9. Communications Working Group: There were 19 respondents to the survey. When the analysis is complete, they will report. They received a lot of good suggestions.
10. SDDS: The six service desks have agreed on locations for the monitors. PowerPoint will be used for slide creation. Steve Jones will be working with the departments to install the monitors - most should be up by the end of April. At the next meeting, members will work on slides.

Open Announcements
• Vicki Sipe reminded the Assembly to think about serving or nominating a representative to the Faculty Senate.
• The Non-Exempt Staff Senate has changed their name ("Excluded" has been removed). They had a meet & greet last Thursday with a good turnout of 25 people. Their elections are coming up in April. Michael Dick encouraged those who are eligible to run for office.

Meeting adjourned 2:56 pm.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian