Library Assembly Minutes 072109

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Library Assembly Minutes 072109

Library Assembly Minutes
Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Introduction of new officers (all were present) Lindsey Loeper (Chair), Pat Garnett (Vice-Chair), Vicki Sipe (Secretary)

Open Announcements

Event Announcements
This will be a new topic at Library Assembly meetings.  If you have an event coming up,
please let Pat Garnett know and she can add it.
-          Michael Dick announced the Non-Exempt Excluded Staff Senate (NEESS) picnic to take place at Noon on 30 July 2009.  It will be held at Academic IV between A and B wings.  This is a Non-Exempt Excluded Staff only event.
-          Janet Hack announced two training sessions to take place in Room 259 (BI room) tomorrow (22 July).
11AM  Editing Web Pages
1 PM  Wiki for Novices (this session will be repeated in Aug)                   

Library Director's Report
Larry Wilt sent his regrets at not being available and requested that Joyce speak for
him at the meeting. 
-          The carpet tiles have been installed.  Special thanks to Melissa for seeing this project through.
-          Planning Issues.  Much of the LEC Retreat was spent talking about planning for tight economic times.  Handout from Larry (Library Contingency Planning Summer/Fall 2009) will be posted on Library Assembly Wiki.   The handout requests that staff submit ideas on how to maintain library services in the face of frozen lines and possible additional budget cuts.  Please submit ideas to your LEC Representative by October 1, 2009. 
Please consider what are the most important things that are done in your area and how do you keep doing them?  Question asked as to whether or not library hours were on the table.  Joyce answered that there will probably be campus mandates that certain things happen.  Also the library must go through campus administration for many changes we might request---such as changes to hours.  Question asked about whether ideas should come from individual or by department.  Joyce answered that it can be both but certainly hope that each department would discuss and submit ideas.  Document is available from Library Assembly wiki page.

Digital Collections Team presentation
Susan Graham and Janet Hack presented a live walkthrough of the CONTENTdm
website.  The url will be made available to the staff.  Please visit the site and make suggestions, send feedback.  You can use the Feedback button to the right on the home page of the website.  There will be a soft launch to staff and some outside the library faculty for feedback and testing.  A later full launch will happen in August.  A Digital Collections Team subgroup will be working on promotion for the full launch. 
-          Still only available on campus?  Yes, for the soft launch.  The later full launch will be public.
-          Can professors use these images for electronic reserve?  Yes, there is a persistent url for each image.  You can use that to link.  Also there is a PowerPoint Plugin that allows the saving of images for placing in a PowerPoint presentation. 
-          Once it goes live how will rights be handled?  We have a rights statement and credit line posted on the website.  If someone wishes to publish they will need to contact Special Collections to obtain rights.  The images posted are JPEG2000.  Good enough for many uses, but not really publishing quality.  We can provide better quality when contacted for rights.
-          Please do some searching on the website and provide feedback.
Department Reports

  • Accounting & Receiving---Ordering supplies.  New Fiscal Year has started.

  • Acquisitions---no report

  • Bibliographic & Metadata Services---Along with the purchased materials, doing some gift cataloging, continuing on PZ reclassification, students helping with Hughes Collection scanning.  Jo Ann Smith started cataloging DVDs for IMC this month.  Their materials will be searchable in the catalog, but patrons must go to IMC to check them out. 

  • Circulation---We're circulating.  Billing is on hold for the moment and will probably come up as the semester is getting started.

  • Collection Management---We received donation of materials from Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. 

  • ILL---Busy, probably 80-90 requests today. 

  • Library Information Technology Services---no report

  • Media---no report

  • Reference  Robin---Welcome to new Reference and Instruction Librarian, Joanna Gadsby. 

  • Serials---Welcome to new Assistant Serials and Electronic Resources Librarian, Kelly Shipp. 

  • Special Collections & Gallery---Awarded IMLS grant for collection of materials on preservation.  These will be added to the Special Collections Staff Collection.  Congratulations to Susan Graham who wrote the grant proposal.  Still scanning Hughes collection, about 1/3 done (about 2,000 more to go).  Tom is on vacation until 10 Aug.  Vault is almost finished.  The 50th Anniversary Committee requested and received an extension on the Project Archivist position (Jeff Karr) from the Provost's Office for another year (through Sept 2011).  Jeff Karr is about ½ done with processing the Office of the President's papers (UMBC President).  Special Collections just received albums from Athletics Dept.   The albums cover 1989-2000.  The Special Collections Graduate Assistants are returning on 17 Aug.  They are Homira Pashai and Colleen Walter.   

Committee & Working Group Reports

  • Cheers---Grand reopening of Staff Lounge was a big success.  Thank you to everyone who assisted through equipment installation, donation of goodies for the ice cream reception and in many other ways.      

  • Library Employee Enrichment Committee (LEEC)---Will be sponsoring a wellness event in August.  Last month's open house went well.  Every department was involved and many people attended.  Received funding for Star 12 web and audio conferences.  This is a package of unlimited web and audio training sessions that will be available for an entire year.  They should be available within a month.  Watch for an announcement. 

  • Building---Shelves are being taken down one the main floor in Reference areas and shelves are going up in the basement.

  • Local LIMS---LIMS will begin reporting at Library Assembly.  LIMS has a committee page on the wiki https://spaces.umbc.edu/display/library/Local+LIMS and a page among the Library web pages http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/bms/locallims.php; Information about USMAI committees and groups is available from at both these locations.  If you have questions, feel free to contact a LIMS member.  They are listed in both locations.

Working Groups:

  • Document Management Working Group--Wiki training tomorrow (22 July) and Wiki training for novices later in the Fall.  Advanced wiki training in the fall and even more advanced wiki training later. 

  • PR & Marketing Committee---the report is, no news.

  • Library Web Group---Web training tomorrow (22 July).  The group will be getting ahold of Anita Komlodi concerning the web usability work that has been done for the Library. 

  • Tutorials Working Group---The student working on these tutorials has been away for the summer and is returning this Fall.  Look for new tutorials then.  CONTENTdm tutorial will be among the first.

  • Communications Working Group---Joint meeting with LEEC next week.  Have been working with Document Management Working Group around wiki training.

  • Service Desk Digital Signage Group---Special Collections, Serials and Circulation all have received their digital signage.  Thank you Genie Vitak, Laura Weathers and Lenell Davis for the Brown Bag you did on Digital Signage.

  • Digital Collections Team---Terry Owens, DRUM Coordinator, McKeldin Library, U of MD College Park came and spoke to the team about their digital repository (https://spaces.umbc.edu/display/library/DCT+Minutes%2C+7-1-2009) .  Our team met earlier today (21 July) and decided to work on a small pilot digital repository project.  Thank you to Janet Hack for work on customizing CONTENTdm and now helping to customize Past Perfect.  The Past Perfect database has been returned, but has been returned due to problems.  Lindsey has added the Retriever Weekly from 2002-2009 to CONTENTdm via files provided by the Retriever.  A workflow has been established to scan the back issues and the first issue of the Retriever Weekly (then called UMBC News) has been scanned and is available in CONTENTdm.

Meeting adjourned.   

Draft by Vicki Sipe, 22 July 2009

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian