Library Assembly Minutes 021209

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Library Assembly Minutes 021209

Library Assembly
February 12, 2009
LIB 767

Officers LaTanya West and Susan Graham were present.
Meeting came to order at 2:10 PM

Open Announcements
• Janet Hack (JH) is taking staff photos 15 minutes before the start of the meeting and 15 minutes after the meeting is adjourned.

Director's Report
Faculty Annual Reports
• FAR's are due in April. Earlier submissions are encouraged.
Library Policy Committee (LPC)
• The LPC is discussing possible serials cuts for FY10. Larry Wilt (LW) has said we can expect up to a 15% cut.
• The trend appears to be continuing to freeze already frozen positions and maybe one more. It all depends on the FY10 budget.
Special Collections (SC)Vault
• There is a contractor for the project. A walk-through has been conducted. Construction expected in May.
LEC visit with Graduate Student Association (GSA)
• LW and unit heads met with GSA.
• GSA comments: concern about lack of plugs in 24/7 area; concern that wired telecommunication jacks are not working; would like Library to relax no food/drink policy (LW explained that he is in discussions with Chartwells about funding closed containers); desire more study rooms available and proposed reallocating faculty study rooms and opening to students; want a "drive-by" drop box; suggested a 15 minute parking space so people can run in and out of the Library to return books.
Library hours
• Students have been asking that the Library be open later hours.
• Commentary:

Search Updates
• Processing Archivist (6-month, P/T position): interviews start 1/13/09, and continue the following week.
• Assistant Serials Librarian: Search Committee doing phone interviews
• Everything else is frozen.
• Lynda Aldana is coming in as the Head of Technical Services, beginning at the end of March.
• Funding for the Student Learning Center (SLC) has been frozen
o Smaller pieces can still be demonstrated, e.g. movable screen for study room
o Room 458 is being repainted; a paint that creates a white board a laminate as a white board are being tested; Wii mote is being demonstrated.

Department Reports
1. Accounting & Receiving: They are busy.

2. Acquisitions: The ordering deadline is February 27, and departments need to place orders
to expend all of their book funds by then. Ordering is at a de-acceleratedrate because we're holding 1/4 of the book budget for use for other purposes. Unplaced orders are backlogged because we were holding 1/2 the book budget for possible give back for 6 weeks from mid-December through January.

3. BMS: The McNaughton project has been taken care of, thanks to Ping Xu (PX) who is the lead on the project. Thesis cataloging will be resumed. It had been stopped in 1999, and Proquest picks it up in 2007, so there is an 8-year lag. Joann Ann Smith will catalog the backlog. Thanks to Lindsey Loeper (LL) for suggesting the project. Image description training has begun, but Vicki Sipe (VS) is waiting to give further instruction until CONTENTdm is upgraded to version 5.

4. Circulation: Students are shifting and backfilling on 3rd floor near the Admin office. Staff is in process of being trained in the Library's off-campus version of billing in PeopleSoft.

5. CM/ILL: Processing lots of end-of-year donations. The book sale will be April 22 - April 23, 2009. Times to be announced. ILL is very busy. ILLIAD is now hosted by OCLC and all consortial ILLIAD sites will also be hosted by OCLC.

6. LITS: They have incorporated the count of the 7th floor computers into the computer availability system. In January 2009 there were 11,000 logins. So far in February 2009 (up to the 12th), there have been 12,000 logins.

7. Media: Staying busy.

8. Reference: There are 45 Library instruction sessions for 20 departments. Two faculty sessions will be held in April: EndNote Web and Web of Science. Katy Sullivan (KS) is working on advertising the McNaughton collection (the popular literature collection with a 28 day loan period) in Insights Weekly, the Retriever, and Commonvision. There is a new Reference e-book collection code in the catalog.

9. Serials: In January, there have been several broken links. Joyce Tenney (JT) is checking for broken links. If you find any or anything that isn't working, please let her know.

10. Special Collections (SC): The P/T Visiting Archivist search is progressing. The program for the exhibition, James L. Amos Photographs: Geographic, Illustrative, and Personal, will occur on Wednesday, February 18th, at 4:00 PM in the Library Gallery. Plans for construction of the vault are proceeding. The exhibit, Bicentennial Celebration of Charles Darwin: Collections from the Special Collections, is up in the Library Rotunda. It will be open from 2/12/09 - 4/1/09. Video tutorials for SC are in process. We are working with the Retriever Weekly staff to bring their archives to CONTENTdm. LL is writing more collection level descriptions to USMAI catalog for both processed and unprocessed collections.

Committees and Working Groups
1. Cheers: Nothing planned.
2. LEEC: Co-sponsored the DMWG wiki training. People have requested more training on the wiki. LEEC is also working on getting an outside speaker to come in to give a presentation/session.
3. Building Report: LW was asked when the windows would be cleaned. LW doesn't know for sure, but recalls that it will be in the Spring.
4. DMWG: The Confluence training was held.
5. CONTENTdm: The working group's main intent was to get CONTENTdm up and running. Because that has happened and because digital initiatives are expanding, a new group will be formed. We are waiting for Aldana's arrival to change the group and expand membership. Upgrade to version 5 is still in process: LITS is waiting to hear back from OIT regarding server space for the new version. LEC has discussed having OCLC host our CONTENTdm. They have not made a decision yet, but will look at next year's budget and compare OCLC costs to OIT costs.
6. PR & Marketing: Digital signage implementation is being discussed. A campus-wide initiative to have a large digital sign is being considered as well having an extra computer screen at all service desks.
7. Communications Working Group: They have had two meetings. They are working on funneling down what to work on first. They will be asking staff for input on what needs to be addressed. There are 7 members: LaTanya West, Chair, Katy Sullivan, Vicki Sipe, Shu Qian, Daniel Gallaher, Robin Moskal, LEC Liaison, and Austin Smith. There is a page for the group on the wiki and minutes are posted.

Meeting adjourned 2:52 pm.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian