Library Assembly Minutes 072308

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Library Assembly Minutes 072308

July 23, 2008

Minutes for Library Assembly

All officers were present.
Meeting came to order at 2:05 PM

LaTanya West introduced the new FY09 Officers: 
Chair : LaTanya West
Vice Chair: Marcus Dagold
Secretary:  Susan Graham

Director's Report

Roof Project
•    Start date:  Monday, July 28, 2008.  The project will take 60 days to complete.
•    Contractor is Ruff Roofers.  Larry Wilt and Melissa Button had a pre-meeting with them. 
•    The RFP called for a non-tar substance to be used for the temporary roof, but the contractor will now use tar, approved by the campus.  The tar will not be prepared onsite and it is hoped that odors do not enter the building. 
•    The contractor will work night hours to tear off the roof.   Larry is not sure yet what time of night the contractors will be working.  This brings up security concerns regarding alarms and the Halon fire suppression system in Special Collections.  Larry is working with Facilities Management regarding monitoring so that false alarms do not occur and cause the Halon system to activate.
•    Water damage is also a concern, particularly during the stage before the temporary roof is installed and before the final roof is complete.  The contractor will not work if rain is in the forecast.  Potential problems include hidden pools of water between roof layers that may be disturbed during the roofing project.
•    Precautions:  Special Collections materials will be covered with plastic sheeting and the contractor will also leave us with an extra roll of plastic sheeting.  All staff are asked to vigilantly monitor for any water leakage.   Leaks should be reported immediately, sheeting should be used to cover materials, and trash cans should be placed to catch overhead leaks.  Report leaks to Melissa Button during work hours.  If leaks occur after hours, take steps to mitigate the damage and call Larry at home and then another person on the Emergency List.  Staff were warned about ceiling tiles falling rapidly when wet, and recommended roping off the area if you notice unstable ceiling tiles, so that nobody gets hurt.  The APC storage room and Collection Management are prone to leaks.  Drew Alfgren recommended leaving the door to the APC closet open so that it can be inspected for leaks.

Closing out the budget
•    Because of the new fine structure, there is ~$30,000 available to make adjustments to the student wage scales, for increased minimum wage and new wage scales.  Over the next 2-3 weeks, Larry hopes to have new wage scales and decision procedures for raises available.
•    There is money in the budget from turnover/resignations.
•    There is money to hire contractual/contingent help in BMS.

Open Announcements



A&R : Ordering supplies

Acq :  FY funds for departments are ready.  They are using Confluence wiki pages to replace web pages.  They're also finishing up the basement inventory.

BMS:  Still working on Special Collections database maintenance project.  Their broken window has been fixed.

Circ:  The Billing Technician position (formerly held by Sherma) has been posted and closes 8/6/2008.  It is now a 30 hour position.  Circulation is doing some shifting on the 5th floor.

Collection Management/ILL:  Still busy, but slower because it's Summer.  They have a new scanner and are waiting on a computer to go with it.

LITS:  New PC's are being deployed.  There have been IP address problems from changing computers, by the end of July it should all be taken care of.  The Head of Technical Services ad will go out soon.  May Chang introduced an idea suggested by Larry at the last LEC meeting.  It would be group photos of departments for a staff calendar and to be placed online.  Each department would have its own month.  Photos will be taken between 7/30 - 8/6/2008.  Shots are recommended to be informal.  It is up to the departments to decide how they want to appear in the pictures.  May will send out an email  with details about signing up for photo shoot times and locations, and for the desired month of the calendar.

Media: Nothing reported.

Reference: The Search Committees for the two open positions have met, phone interviews have been scheduled, and hopefully in-person interviews will take place in September.  Staff will hold two factulty/staff workshops on Web of Science and End Note.  The weeding of the Maryland documents continues. There will be a two month trial of a statistics tracker software for reference points. Janet Hack is working on an application for locker and study room scheduling.

Serials: Marcus is sending a lot to the bindery.

Spec. Coll. : The two-day PastPerfect training went well.  Resumes have been received for the Archivist position; the Search Committee will meet.  The next gallery show will open on September 10, 2008, "The Creative Photograph in Archaeology."

Committees and Working Groups

CHEERS:  No projects right now.

LEEC: Arranging an August 13, 2008 workshop on public speaking.  The newsletter will be out next week.  Staff can vote for the title of the newsletter - there are prizes for the winner of the title contest and a random entrant.

Building:  Electrical needs for the Student Learning Center demo and in Collection Management.  Projection equipment will be added to the "Open Area" for meetings.  Projection equipment will also be installed in the Gallery lecture area.  The inventory of shelving and storage continues with Drew's help.  Shelving from Reference will most likely be transferred to basement storage.

CDMWG: Library Guidelines are now in the Confluence wiki, Janet is working on the table of contents.  Training sessions will start sometime soon.

CONTENTdm: Susan Graham is working on scanning workflow.  Interface design is continuing.

Marketing: Simmona is working on a flyer for the library, with graphics help from LITS student, Sarah.  Meet & Greets for Fall & Winter sessions are being discussed.

Meeting adjourned at 3:00

DRAFT by Susan Graham, 7/23/08

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian