Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Library Strategic Planning Implementation (LSIG)

Google Drive folder (including minutes)

Group Charge

Library Event and Outreach form and responses

High Five! submission form

Library faculty and staff award opportunities

Project proposal template

Objective addition template


Chrisie Cowden (CIDE, Media 2020- ) 

Michelle Flinchbaugh (LITS/AR 2021-)

Joanna Gadsby (ILWG, Library Assembly, Reference 2022-)

Susan Graham (COSMO, ILL 2022-)

Brianna Hughes (2023-)

Aimee Plaisance (A&R, HLWG, Serials 2021-)

Beth Saunders (Circulation, LSIG, Special Collections/Gallery 2019- )

Jasmine Shumaker (Administration, LEC, Cheers, Tech Services, LSIG, chair 2020- )

Department and committee liaisons:


    • Accounting & Receiving: Aimee

    • Administration: Jasmine

    • Cheers: Michelle

    • CIDE: Chrisie

    • Circulation: Beth

    • COSMO: Susan

    • Health Literacy Working Group: Aimee

    • ILL: Susan

    • ILWG: Joanna

    • LEEC: Joanna

    • LEC: Jasmine

    • Library Assembly: Joanna

    • LITS/Institutional Repository: Michelle

    • LSIG: Jasmine

    • Media: Chrisie

    • Ref: Jasmine

    • Serials: Aimee

    • Special Collections & Gallery: Beth

    • Tech Services (Cataloging and Acquisitions): Aimee

Contact us at:


Dashboard files

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian