Library Contingency Planning Summer-Fall 2009

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Library Contingency Planning Summer-Fall 2009

[This document provided by Larry Wilt for Library Assembly meeting on 21 July 2009.]  

Library Contingency Planning Summer/Fall 2009 

In light of the current economic situation, and indications from the state and campus administrations, the probability of an additional budget cut, or cuts to the campus and the library is very likely.  Almost certainly, any additional position vacancies will result in additional frozen lines.  Larry and the LEC are interested in starting some proactive planning on how to manage additional frozen lines and budget cuts and maintain library services.  We would like to get suggestions from units and library staff.  Departments are being asked to do some brainstorming and offer suggestions on dealing with these possible cuts and frozen lines.  When thinking about your planning ideas, please remember that the economic downturn is expected to last three to four years or longer, so units should discuss plans for offering services in reduced budget environments and look at operations for efficiencies.   Please submit ideas and suggestions to your LEC unit representative by October 1, 2009.  Additional feedback may be requested later in the year, depending on the state budget decisions later in the year. Themes for brainstorming discussions:

-          Contingency planning for how to deal with keeping up Library services and functions after as yet unknown vacancies occur due to attrition and the lines for those vacancies are frozen. 

-          Thinking creatively about how to improve Library services and functions even in a flat budget or (further) cut budget environment, and with the same number of staff or fewer staff. 

Questions to consider in brainstorming discussions:

1.       What if there is a resignation in the department?  Don't look at a specific position, but over all how the work would get done and what cross training is needed to insure continuity of services.    Focus on tasks and not individuals. What are the most important tasks to be done?  What could be delayed?

2.       Planning should be for the next 3-4 year period.

3.       Think of cross unit solutions to deal with continuity of services. 

4.       Plan for flat funding (no cut to base, but no inflation increases), and plan for a 3% cut to base each year to all for planning for the best case and worse case scenarios.

5.       Develop a plan of what services will need to be increased and what could be delayed or cut?

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian