Library Assembly Minutes 102009

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Library Assembly Minutes 102009

Library Assembly Minutes

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Welcome and Open Announcements

Lindsey Loeper noted the e-mail from Jennifer Lepus on Oct. 14, 2009 concerning Sexual Violence and Relationship Violence Protocol.  Please be sure to read the e-mail thoroughly.  It contains important information on reporting responsibilities for all UMBC personnel in regards to sexual or relationship violence.                  

Linda Durkos made an appeal to all AOK personnel to contribute to the Maryland Charities fundraising drive.  Make a contribution, even if it is only a dollar.  UMBC has won the Governor's Cup award in the medium department category (500-2,499 people) two years in a row.  Make it three in a row by giving.  The deadline is November 30, 2009.  

Simmona  Simmons gave a reminder on the Maryland Humanities Council "One Maryland, One Book" program.  There will be a conversation about the book Song Yet Sung  by James McBride beginning at Noon on October 21st from Noon to 1PM in Room 259.

Larry Wilt announced a Friends of the Library sponsored debate on the possibility of a third nuclear power plant at Calvert Cliffs.  The debate is on Thursday, October 22nd at 4PM in the Gallery.  If you wish to join the Friends, please contact Linda Durkos at 5-2356.    

Event Announcements

Pat Garnett reported that there are no additions to the calendar at this time.  You can check the calendar on the Library Assembly wiki page. 


Library Director's Report

Larry Wilt encouraged people to contact Linda Durkos and make contributions to the Maryland Charities. 

Final rundown on calendar 2010 budget cuts.  For this fiscal year we have had a 3% permanent cut to base of $221,846.  There was an additional 3% one-time cut of $219,477.  In Fiscal Year 2011 we can expect additional cuts.  Expect the 3% cut to base to be distributed proportionally across the library budgets of personnel (about $90,000), materials (about $100,000) and operating costs, etc. The personnel portion can be met with money from frozen positions.  There is more money in frozen positions than is needed to meet the personnel portion of the permanent cuts.  We will have to lose at least one, maybe up to 2.5, frozen positions.  Decisions have not yet been reached and Larry is confident that we have good options to meet our budget cut obligations.

Swine flu update at the Faculty Senate meeting said that there are now 20 cases a day of reported to health service.  They are also seeing a number of colds, allergies, etc. as well.    

UMBC Staff Awards Nominations

Michael Dick reported that the deadline for annual staff award nominations is October 30th.  He encouraged personnel to make a nomination.  An informational handout was made available at the meeting.  See Michael if you would like one.  Or visit this web page.  http://www.umbc.edu/provost/StaffAwards/

Department Reports

Accounting & Receiving  -  Busy.

Acquisitions - no report.

Bibliographic & Metadata Services - PZ reclassification nearly complete.  Serials local holdings work is moving forward.  Cataloging student is copy cataloging.  Several other students are beginning work on Gifts.  Hughes metadata project to pick up again over the next month. 

Circulation - The drop box for atrium should be here soon.  Shifting on the 4th floor continues.  If you are not finding a book in the shelves please remember to check on the sorting shelves. 

Collection Management - The book sale made about $2,200.  Thank you to everyone for the help. 

ILL - This is a busy time of year.  Over 100 requests for borrowing in a day and about 60 a day for lending. 

Library Information Technology Services - no report.

Media - $2,500 from GSA for the purchase of DVDs. 

Reference - We are in the middle of instruction season.  Starting the series of Faculty/Staff workshops.  Maryland Documents have been moved downstairs and some weeding has been done.  Federal Documents weeding project has begun.   Janet is working on the Library home page. 

Serials - Been working on serials training and other projects this last month.  The EBSCO A-Z list is in trial through the end of December.  A lot of customization has been done.  Please look it over and give feedback. http://atoz.ebsco.com/titles.asp?Id=10975&uc=Admin&sid=221471381&TabID=2Today

Special Collections & Gallery - Very successful opening lecture/discussion for the gallery exhibit "The Art of Persuasion" was held on October 8th.  About 150 people attended the lecture/discussion presented by Post Typography, an award winning design studio based in Baltimore, Maryland.  This is the busiest season yet for classes in Special Collections.  Gifts are starting to pick up---the end of the year surge has begun.  Still a few dislocations due to the construction of the vault and the installation of a book scanner.  New exhibit consisting of student work is up in the reading room.  Scanning of Hughes negatives is going well.  Work on Past Perfect continues.  Work has begun on scanning of IUIS minutes to be added to CONTENTdm.  Michael Dick is doing the scanning for this project. 

Committee & Working Group Reports


Library Executive Committee (LEC) - Focused on budget and contingency planning issues.  Departments can still contribute ideas through their LEC representative.  We need to be thinking about ways to consolidate services.  We may need to absorb permanent cuts in staffing. 

LaTanya West has been looking at borrowing guidelines due to recent theft.   There will be some changes.  

Cheers - There will be a 50/50 raffle and a Thanksgiving basket raffle coming soon. 

Library Employee Enrichment Committee (LEEC) - The handouts from the audio seminars are now available from the LEEC.  Go to the wiki page and log in to access.   https://spaces.umbc.edu/display/library/LEEC+Audio+and+Web+Conferences

LEEC is also working on Staff Day with CWG.  The day has been moved to Thursday, May 27th.  Katy Sullivan is co-chair for the Staff Day and gave a brief update.  The building will be closed to the public for the day and personnel can participate, work, or take a leave day.  LaTanya West will be sending out a call for volunteers.  Please be contribute ideas for mini-presenters for the day.  Anything from a hobby to work related skill workshops. 

Building - Library staff attended GSA meeting with intent to talk about Library generally, but there were many questions on the Student Learning Center.  Very supportive of the plans.  Similar feedback from SGA meeting.  Interest in a vending machine dispensing supplies (paper, pens, etc.) in 24/7 lounge.  Complements on the subject area specific training sessions and requests for more.  Larry told them that their instructors can request such sessions so please talk to your instructors.  Some ceiling leaks in the back hall between CM and the loading dock.  Break down of security gates in front entrance.  The repair people made several bad mistakes and we were without a detection system for a week.  We have been told by the repair company that situations have been addressed and this will not happen again.      

Local LIMS - no report.

Working Groups:

Document Management Working Group - Believe our charge is complete and will ask to be disbanded.

PR & Marketing Committee - Maryland Humanities Council "One Maryland, One Book" event on Wednesday Oct 21st.  Attended Welcome Week and Job Fair.  Some of the questions are very basic.  We each need to be ambassadors of the Library when we are at campus events.  Joanna Gadsby is doing book displays outside the Reference office.  Workshops and training sessions by Reference Staff.  Lindsey Loeper and Susan Graham are also doing outreach and presentations to other groups on campus. Library Web Group - Looking at Library home page redesign and there will be some significant changes. 

Communications Working Group - Current focus is on Staff Day and working in collaboration with LEEC.

Service Desk Digital Signage Group - Nothing new to report.

Digital Collections Team - Formed new subgroup dedicated to researching Institutional Repositories.  A wiki page has been established.  https://spaces.umbc.edu/display/library/DCT+-+IR+Subgroup

Susan Graham and Vicki Sipe completed 3 training sessions for Library staff, and Faculty and Staff outside of the Library on CONTENTdm.  Lindsey Loeper is working with the Maryland Digital Cultural Heritage to have the Latrobe papers scanned.  Lindsey and Susan are investigating participation in Library of Congress Flickr Commons.  Both Lindsey and Susan have posted photos from UMBC collections on Flickr.

Next Library Assembly Meeting is Monday, November 16, 2009, 2:00pm-3:30pm 

Library Assembly Meeting adjourned.

Gallery tour by Emily Hauver of the current gallery exhibit, "The Art of Persuasion."

Draft by Vicki Sipe, 26 Oct 2009

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian