Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Library Assembly Minutes 111609

Library Assembly Minutes
Monday, November 16, 2009

Welcome and Open Announcements

Upcoming Library Assembly Meetings:
There will be no December meeting.
Tuesday, January 12th, 2010, 2:00 - 3:30pm
Wednesday, February 10th, 2010, 2:00 - 3:30pm
Wednesday, March 10th, 2010, 2:00 - 3:30pm
Thursday, April 15th, 2010, 10:00 - 11:30am. Please meet in the Library Gallery.
Thursday, May 20th, 2010, 2:00 - 3:30pm

Maryland Charity Campaign contributions or arrangements for contributions need to be in to Linda Durkos by Friday, Nov. 20th.  We had 60% participation last year and so far this year we are only at 30%.  Please make a contribution. 

Event Announcements

Michael Dick  announced the NESS and PSS  Maryland Charity Bakesale to take place on Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2009 from 11am-2pm in the lobby of the RAC.  Proceeds to be donated to the Maryland Charity drive.  Contact Dottie Caplan at  or x51707 to donate baked goods for the sale.

Lindsey Loeper announced online conference, the Art of Fundraising and Grant Writing, Thursday, Nov. 19 from 11am-6pm in Room 259.  Check out the program for the conference

Schedule for LEEC Audio Conferences
Next conference is Friday, Nov. 20, 2009 beginning at 2pm in Room 259, Master the Secrets of Persuasive Communication.

Cheers  Holiday Party will be on Friday, Dec. 4 from Noon-4pm on the 7th floor.  Students are invited, so please let them know.  Sign up for food on the Cheers wiki page
Bring items for the auction to Acquisitions.
There will also be a holiday basket raffle.  Bring donations for the basket to Acquisitions.

Library Director's Report
Larry Wilt said the main topic for his report is the contingency planning discussion.  The LEC is now at the stage of reviewing ideas that have come in and getting feedback.  They will put together a list of the preferred cuts from all suggestions.  This list will go to the Blue Ribbon Committee and the Library Policy Committee.  Larry will also send the final list to Lindsey for posting to the staff by the end of the week (Nov. 20).  The Blue Ribbon Committee has asked the Library to poll the university community for reactions to cuts in various service areas.  Questions will be posted on Survey Monkey. 
 We will be losing one staff position now and will likely need to cut one later.  There are 5 frozen lines at the moment (Alicia Hatton-McNichols noted that she has not yet left the building---see Technical Services below).  These lines are: Accounting Clerk II, Curator of Exhibitions, Computing Support Associate, Electronic/Media Cataloger, and the LIMS Technician/Database Maintenance Technician position, which is really not quite empty at the moment.
 Michael Dick asked at what point does someone, and who would it be, come to the University Steering Committee concerning the decrease in services by the Library.  Larry said he doesn't know.  The Blue Ribbon Committee is due to submit its report to the Provost by February 2010, perhaps contact Vice Provost Moriera early in 2010.  Next meeting of the Blue Ribbon Committee is Dec. 8th.

Library Website Demonstration
Janet Hack demonstrated the beta NEW Library website.  Changes have been made based on the usability study and feedback from students, faculty, etc.  Please visit the page and give feedback.
The site is up for staff feedback through the end of November, followed by period of public comment through December.  The new design will go live in January 2010.    

Department Reports
Accounting & Receiving---No news.
Technical Services---Alicia Hatton-McNichols has accepted a position elsewhere.  Her last day with UMBC is Nov. 30th.  We will miss her.  Thank you very much for your great work. 
Acquisitions---Michelle will be taking over ETDs.
Bibliographic & Metadata Services---Copy Catalogers have now completed metadata on about 100 of the Hughes images.  We continue our work with the purchased materials and gifts.   
Circulation---Business as usual.  Bookdrop is coming back.  Update of circulation policies and procedures in process.   
Collection Management---Donation letters going to everyone for end of year.  Several gifts being processed.
ILL---Oct Nov are probably busiest time of year.  
Library Information Technology Services---Meeting with DoIT last week. Jack Seuss announced that DoIT will support Windows 7 starting in February for faculty and staff that use it, though such use is not required. By Fall semester it will be included in lab images.  May and Steve working on transition planning.  OS change is not as big a deal as change in Office.  SPSS printing problem has been corrected on the 7th floor.  So if printing problems on first floor, send them to the 7th floor.  This fix will be in place on all floors by end December. 
Media---Twenty-three pathfinders now available for types of dvds.  Some of them are also available on the website.    very popular  also on website (not all of them)
Reference--Finishing instruction sessions and have finished Fac/Staff sessions.  Scheduling has begun for Spring sessions.  Working on online instruction.  Janet working on website and for tutorials on parts of research process.  Weeding of Federal Documents continues.  Looking at new chat software.
Serials---No report.
Special Collections & Gallery---Gifts arriving.  New intern, Carolyn Baron, describing photos in the Perry collection.  PastPerfect conversion is almost done.  Three new students.  Janet is assisting with getting PastPerfect online set up.  Looking for grants.  Processing university archives continues.  Emily Hauver is working on next gallery exhibit, Shadow and Substance.  It is a touring show out of the Indiana Historical Society and collection of Stanley Burns.  Focuses on representations of African Americans in photography from the 1800s to 1960s.  Putting together a virtual exhibit online.  Upcoming tour of poster exhibit with presentation for high school students.  Order for Matthew Carter catalogs.

Committee & Working Group Reports
Library Executive Committee (LEC)---Maryland Digital Library transferring management of digital resources to Lyrasis.  Campus contracted to have master plan evaluated according to mission of the University.  The analysis is in and our physical resources are under what is needed to undertake the mission of the University.  The current shortage will be made up with the two phases of construction for the Performing Arts and Humanities Building.  This project will take at least four years, so we will probably accrue more space deficit on the campus by the time the project is complete.   Will completion of new building effect library space?  As a result of reallocation of space in the Center for Art, Design & Visual Culture building, the Slide Library will move to the  Library and the Dresher Center for the Humanities will move from the Library to the Center.  Unrelated to the new building, the Honors College, which is a tenant of the Library, is requesting more space
Cheers - See events noted in Announcements.             
Library Employee Enrichment Committee (LEEC)---Working with the Communications WG on Staff Day for May 27, 2010.  Open for ideas on presentations. 
Building -The public soft furniture is being set up for cleaning. 
Local LIMS---If you have problems with Aleph passwords, please see Lynda or LaTanya.  Information about passwords is posted on Local LIMS wiki page.
Local LIMS will now be meeting once a month.

Working Groups:
Document Management Working Group---In limbo.    
PR & Marketing Committee---Hasn't met.
Library Web Group---Working on new website, see notes on demonstration by Janet.  Future projects include making website mobile accessible.  New tutorials include digital collections, requesting books on ILL, how to find articles, and subject specific tutorial for education.    Larry noted that the campus seems likely to move toward outsourcing for such things as e-mail and calendar.  DoIT is evaluating Google for e-mail, the change would be voluntary for faculty.  Larry suggested that we all get a personal e-mail account from Google to check it out
Communications Working Group---Working with LEEC on Staff Day, May 27, 2010.    
Service Desk Digital Signage Group---No meetings.  Waiting on Pura Vida to put up a screen.
Digital Collections Team---This group has split into two subgroups: Institutional Repository and Digital Collections.  Susan will send an e-mail out requesting volunteers for the two subgroups.  There will still be quarterly meetings of the larger group. 

Next Library Assembly Meeting is Tuesday, January 12th, 2010, 2:00 - 3:30pm
Meeting adjourned.
Draft by Vicki Sipe 18 Nov 2009

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian