How do I switch between gallery, speaker, and tiled views in Class Collborate?

As of April 8, 2021, moderators can see up to 25 videos at a time in Class Collaborate's gallery view. This is the ideal maximum number of videos to show at one time and still see enough detail for the non-verbal feedback instructors are looking for. With the zoom controls, Tiled view, and Speaker view moderators have even greater control over how they want to see their students.

  • In this first release, when you share content, you can switch between all videos and the content in the bottom corner.
  • In a future release you'll be able to see videos and content side by side and this workflow will likely change a bit. 

When will students get gallery view? Gallery view will be launched for students on May 13, 2021. 


Instructors want to be able to see their students' faces clearly. Body language and facial expressions help instructors tell if their students are paying attention and understanding the material. The new gallery view will display up to 25 videos at a time by default.

Show Me

Tell Me

  1. Click on the view icon from the view menu and choose Gallery, Speaker, or Tiled. Moderators will always appear first in gallery view followed by presenters.

    If you do not see your video, you either need to turn on the camera or adjust the zoom / pagination.

    TIP: If students don't want to turn on their video, encourage them to upload a profile picture, which will appear in the video space instead of a live feed.

  2. Select the microphone and video camera icons during a meeting to turn them on or off.

    Moderator audio and video controlls

    TIP: Press Alt + M to turn your microphone on and off. 
    Press Alt + C to turn your camera on and off.

  3. Attendee videos are in alphabetical order. Moderators appear at the start of the list on the first page. Promote anyone to a moderator if you want their video to appear at the top of the list. Any user can pin a video to the top. See → How do I pin or unpin videos in Class Collaborate?

Enable / Disable Gallery View

With the Gallery view settings you can decide if:

  • Everyone in the session can use Gallery view
  • Only moderators can use Gallery view
  • Turn Gallery view off for everyone

When you disable gallery view, up to 4 videos are visible. Attendees can't choose to see more.

  1. Click on the gear in the lower right corner of the Class Collaborate session.
  2. Select Session Settings.

  3. By default, Enable for everyone is selected.
    • Toggle Enable for moderators if you only want moderators to see gallery view.
    • Toggle Disable if you don't want anyone to use gallery view
  4. Click Save.

About Viewing Options

The Gallery view zoom controls give you the ability to zoom in on fewer videos at a time, making each video larger.

  • The number of videos you see depends on the size of your screen and if you have the Session menu or Class Collaborate panel open. Limitations on the number of videos imposed by browser support or large sessions (250+) setting remain. 
  • Use the zoom controls on the left of the screen to see fewer and larger videos at a time or vice versa.

  • Use the arrows on either side of the gallery to see more videos. As you move between pages, the speaker’s video appears as a thumbnail in the bottom right corner of the main content area.  

    use arrows to navigate pages of videos

  • Moderators can also point to an attendee video and select the Attendee Controls to send them a private chat, promote a participant, mute the attendee, or remove the person from the session.

  • Captions typed by a live captioner aren't visible to attendees using Gallery view at the moment. Live captions will be visible in a future release. If you need captions, switch to the Speaker view.
  • Gallery view isn't available in Safari on iOS or iPadOS at this time.

The Tiled and Speaker views emphasize who is speaking. 

  • These views show up to 4 videos with one video larger than the others. This larger video shows who is speaking so you can see them more clearly.
  • As the discussion unfolds, the larger video changes to match the active speaker.
Gallery ViewSpeaker View

Tiled View

Sharing Content or Presentations

No matter how many people are using video, when someone is presenting, the shared content ALWAYS fills the screen. A thumbnail of whoever is speaking appears below the content.

Click on the speaker's thumbnail to switch between the content and videos. If you select the video thumbnail, you can fill the screen with attendee videos and the shared content is now in the thumbnail. Select the content thumbnail to return to the shared content.

TIP: If you are using Chrome, you can try this tip to see the speaker video on the same page as the content:

  1. Right click on the video in the lower right corner.
  2. Select show controls.
  3. Choose picture in picture.

Additional Information 

The video will appear backwards to you in the preview -- this is normal. Your video will appear correctly to others in the session and in recordings. The video won't appear backwards to other attendees or in recordings. Video is only mirrored in the preview window.