How do I create breakout groups in Class Collaborate?

Breakout groups are designed for group collaboration. Every participant in the group is a presenter. See → What are the different roles in Class Collaborate?

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Participants will only see and hear what happens in the breakout room OR in the main room. Moderators can move between the main room or any breakout room.

Breakout rooms are NOT recorded.

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  1. Open the Share Content panel from the Class Collaborate panel

  2. Select Breakout Groups

  3. Assign Groups 

    1. Randomly assign: Class Collaborate creates groups and randomly assigns participants to groups.

      • Randomly assign is only available when there are four or more people are in the room.

        • If you want to be in a group, select Include moderators in group assignment.

        • You can change how many participants are in each group. Select the number of groups from the Number of Groups menu.

        • If you don't like how the participants are grouped, select Reassign participants.

    2. Custom assignment: Create your own groups.

      • Assign participants to a group. You can select the participants options menu and select the group. Or you can select Add under the group name and select participants to add them. You can also select the participant and drag them to the right group.

      • Select Create a new group to add more groups.

    3. Course group set: Synchronize your course groups in Blackboard to Class Collaborate breakout groups

  4. Optional: If you want participants to be able to move to another group on their own, select Allow participants to switch groups.

  5. Select Start

TIP: Click on the default "Group" name to rename the breakout group.