PointSolutions Clickers

PointSolutions Clickers

PointSolutions Resources

Student Registration Information

You will need to purchase a license subscription from the UMBC Bookstore before you can register your clicker. 

If you've created your TurningPoint or Point Solutions account, follow steps below to properly register your clicker. If you have not already created a Turning account, you will create it as part of this process.

NOTE: If both a clicker and mobile device are registered, they may not be used in the same session.

Blackboard Original

Tell Me

  1. Log into Blackboard.

  2. Access the course that will be using the clicker.

  3. Click the "Other Bb Tools" Menu Button on the left hand navigation column.

  4. Select "Register Your Clicker & TurningPoint Account."

  5. Continue with the registration steps below.


Blackboard Ultra

Tell Me

  1. Log into Blackboard.

  2. Access the course that will be using the clicker.

  3. Click on "Books & Tools" on the left under Details & Actions.

  4. Click on the "Register Your Clicker & TurningPoint Account" tool.

  5. Continue with the registration steps below.



Tell Me

  1. Login to your Turning Account. You will be prompted to create an account if you do not already have one.

  2. You will see a menu indicating the steps involved in the setup process.


  3. If this is your first time entering your subscription, you will open up to a splash screen prompting you to enter your subscription code information step by step. In the Subscription Code box area type in the code that was provided to you either by email or from the bundle you purchased in the bookstore and press Enter/Return.


  4. Once your subscription code is confirmed, continue to the "Response Devices" section.


  5. If you plan to use a physical clicker device, enter in the Device ID that is found on the back of your clicker (see screenshot below) in the "Clicker ID" section and press Enter/Return. 


  6. If you plan to use a mobile device as your clicker, select "Only use mobile device."


  7. Confirm that your account is connected to Blackboard.


  8. If you have successfully input all your information you should see a green check mark next to Subscriptions, Response Devices, and Learning Management System on your account homepage.

WARNING If the Learning Management System area has a yellow exclamation mark below it, you will not appear on your instructor(s) participant list and this could potentially affect your grades in certain courses. Please make sure you follow the steps above carefully.


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