Akindi Importer

Akindi Importer

With Akindi importer, simply upload a Word or PDF document and the Akindi Importer automatically detects and imports questions. You can also choose to upload one question at a time.

This tool is particularly beneficial for faculty that wish to quickly create large question pools by converting a Word or PDF document into a format that can be digested into Blackboard.


How should I create questions in my Word document to be read by the Akindi importer? ↗

How should I set answers in my Word document to be read by the Akindi importer? ↗

What question types are supported by the Akindi importer? ↗

How do I launch the Akindi importer? ↗

How do I upload the Akindi QTI file into my Blackboard Ultra course? (Import test banks)

How do I upload the Akindi QTI file into my Blackboard Original course? ↗


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