How can I upload files to Blackboard?

TIP: If you want to attach a file that already exists in your course or exists in another course, click Browse Content Collection. 

Tell Me: Original Blackboard

OPTION 1: Drag-and-Drop

  1. Open the location of the local file on your computer (such as Documents or Downloads).

  2. Click on the file within the folder on your local computer and drag it into the Attach Files area where you want to upload the item.

  3. You may drag-and-drop upload multiple files to a content area or assignment.

  4. You can also select a folder of files (not an archive/zip) and drag it to upload. Blackboard will then upload all of the individual files as separate attachments.

OPTION 2: Browse Computer

  1. Click on Browse My Computer.
  2. Open the location of the local file on your computer (such as Documents or Downloads).
  3. Click on the file within the folder on your local computer and click Open.

OPTION 3: Browse Content Collection (Instructors Only)

  1. Click on Browse Content Collection.
  2. Select the course you want to browse from using the action link (down-facing chevron) next to "Location: <your current course name>".
  3. Use the search bar to search for the file you want to attach.
  4. Click on the checkbox(es) to the left of the name(s) of the files you want to upload.
  5. Click Submit.

Tell Me: Ultra Blackboard

OPTION 1: Drag-and-Drop

  1. Select the purple plus sign wherever you want to upload files.

  2. Select Upload to browse for files on your computer.

  3. Click on the file within the folder on your local computer and click Open.

  4. After the file uploads, you can change the visibility so students can see it or click on the overflow menu (...) to edit the file name, align with goals, replace the file, or add a description.

OPTION 2: Link to Google FileBrowse Computer

Please see this FAQ → How can I embed Google Drive files into my Blackboard Course? 

OPTION 3: Browse Content Collection (Instructors Only)

  1. Select the plus sign wherever you want to upload files.

  2. Select Content Collection to browse for files on your computer.

  3. When you find a file you want to add to your course, select the check box next to the file name.
  4. Continue to browse and select files. The system shows how many files you've selected at the bottom of the window.
  5. Select Submit to review your list of selected items and add them to your course.