How do I annotate a whiteboard or file in Class Collaborate?

When files or a blank whiteboard are shared in a session, you can use annotation tools to edit and mark up the document during the live session. You’ll find the annotation tools at the top of the screen. These tools are available for both the moderator and participant roles unless the moderator turns it off in Session Settings.

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  1. Open a whiteboard or upload a new file. See → How do I share content with breakout groups in a Class Collaborate session? You can also access a previously uploaded file.
  2. Select the tool you want to use from the menu.

    Whiteboard tools

  3. Click the dropdown arrow for the tool to change the setting (e.g., change from line to arrow or change from drawing to eraser).

About the Whiteboard Tools

  • Pan: Click the hand to move the whiteboard or shared file on the page.
  • Zoom: Click the magnifying glasses to zoom in and out of the page.
  • Fit: Adjust the view to fit the page or width.

About the Annotation Tools

  • Drawing, Brush, and Eraser: Draw freehand on the page with various colors, thickness, and opacity. Select the eraser to remove annotations. You can erase parts of a freehand drawing with the eraser or select the Delete icon to delete the whole drawing.
  • Text: Add text directly on the page. You can move, edit, and change the text and select the font, size, alignment, and color of the text.
  • Shapes: Choose Line, Arrow, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, and Polyline. Each shape has its own settings to change the color, width, opacity, and more.
  • Clear Annotations: Annotations are saved in the session. You can share something new, go to a new slide, or stop sharing. The annotations remain. Moderators can use Clear Annotations to delete all annotations from all pages.
  • Highlighter: Select areas on a shared file to highlight. As you highlight text on the page, an additional menu opens. You can highlight, strikethrough, underline, squiggle, or comment on the highlighted section. The highlighter is only available on shared files. It's not available on the whiteboard.

    TIP: Upload a blank file of several pages to have a multi-page whiteboard.
  • Pointer: There isn't a pointer option. Create an arrow with the Shapes tool. Move the arrow to point to different areas of the whiteboard.