Departmental Approval Security Access

Departmental Approval Security Access


Access form that designates departmental approvers of financial transactions such as Requisitions, Invoices / Payment Requests, E-Travel (General and Foreign), Journal Entries, and Budget Transfers.

How to fill out this form:

To request access, please go here to fill out a new form. Search for a department, and verify that an approver is pre-selected in the Form Approver field and the Shared Services Approver field (if applicable). If it is grayed out with no name, select a name from the dropdown menu to the right. Click next to be led into the form.

Once in the form, put in the appropriate information of the approvers you are requesting access for or to have access removed from. Enter their name, campus ID, select add or remove, and click the checkboxes of the access being changed.

At the bottom where the authorization area is, sign your name next to the requester area. At the top click finish. 

The form will be moved to the form approval for review and approval, and then a Shared Services approver (if applicable) before it will be sent to the PS Finance Admins and Paw Procurement Admins for review and approval. They will approve once the access has been changed.

Changes from the previous process:

This form is to designate access to one department only. Previously you were able to enter for multiple departments at a time, but going forward, to be able to generate a form approval workflow, we could only do it for one department at a time.

You do not have to list everyone that is currently an approver for this department. Previously we would have you list everyone that should have access going forward, even if those individuals already had access. Now you only have to list changes in access - that is,  if someone needs to have access added or removed. 

You can only list if a person has access or does not have access. Previously we had you list them as Primary or Secondary approvers. Going forward we will only be using Primary approvers.


If a department is not listed, or if the name of the person you wish to approve this form is not showing and you would like to have them added, please fill out an RT ticket to the Financial Services and Accounting group to have one added. Please note that a form approver needs to be a Dean, Assistant Dean, Chair, AVP, or VP to be able to be listed as a form approver. 

If you would like to know the status of your submitted forms or if you have any questions about this process, please feel free to reach out to us via RT as well.

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