What can a Department Administrator do?

What can a Department Administrator do?


The Department Administrator can:

  • review all Travel System role settings by department or person by selecting "Go To Admin" from the drop down on the right side of the screen

  • grant or remove the optional travel system roles for department users (Reviewer, Additional Approver, and Department Administrator).  

  • Assign preparers for other users using the option under the profile tab (see screenshot below)

  • change the “Assign To” on a Pre-Approval or Reimbursement while it is in “Review” status



The Department Admin (DA) role has additional privileges/access to see:

  • Departments


    • This allows the DA to see all the departments for which they are designated as DA. From here they can bring up all the assignments for an individual department. 


      • 3 roles are eligible for DA management:


        • Department Admin

        • Additional Approver for both Pre-Approvals and Reimbursements 

        • Reviewer for both Pre-Approvals and Reimbursements

      • 2 roles are view-only, as Financial Services is responsible for managing the roles through the use of a Security form (the same form used for PeopleSoft and PAW procurement security roles). Those roles are “Approver” and “Next Higher Authority” for both Pre-Approvals and Reimbursements.

  • People


    • The DA can search by last name to bring up anyone in the Travel System to review their assignments in Read-Only mode. This allows an easy way to look at an individual and all of their assigned roles without searching each department individually. 

  • Per Diems


    • This button provides a Read-Only view of the standard and high cities per-diems. It will also provide history of past settings. 

    • Financial Services is responsible for managing the per-diem rates in the travel system. 

    • All travel system users can view the current per-diem rates under the “expenses” tab in the Pre-Approval and Reimbursement, where they are automatically calculated, based on the selected city in the drop-down menu.



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