Create an extra credit question, assessment, or ungraded assignment

Create an extra credit question, assessment, or ungraded assignment


Instructors can add extra credit questions to tests, create an entire assessment that is extra credit, or create ungraded assignments.

Instructors can assign one or more questions as extra credit in a test. A correct answer results in adding the extra credit question points to the points earned for the test. Students are not penalized for incorrect answers to an extra credit question. If a student answers extra credit questions correctly, it may be possible for the student to earn a score greater than 100% on the test.

You can build a test with one or more extra credit questions.

Tell Me

  1. Access your Ultra course and create a test.

  2. Select a question type or use question banks to build a pool. 

  3. Check the Extra Credit box for the specific question that will be marked as extra credit. 

    Note: You can use Extra Credit on any question type except those displayed as question pools.

  4. Save the test.

If you want an entire assessment to count as extra credit, you must have at least ONE question on an extra credit test to mark the question as extra credit. All questions on the test must be extra credit for the activity to be counted as such. In this example, there are 2 questions each worth 25 points. However, because they are extra credit, the overall assessment is worth zero points.

When the student completes the extra credit activity, all points either count or don't count toward the final grade.

What will students see?

Students can discern how many extra credit points are available on the test. While students are taking a test, they can identify questions designated as extra credit. Students can also filter the test to find extra credit questions if present.

Before starting the assessment, students will see how may points the test is worth and how many extra points are possible.

While completing the assessment, the extra credit question will be easily identified. Here the student can see the essay question is marked as extra credit.

When viewing the graded item in the student's gradebook, students will see the total of the points possible and the extra credit earned. Here the student earned 10 points extra credit on top of the 100 points for the test itself.

1. Access your Ultra course and create an Assignment. See → How do I create an Ultra assignment?

2. In the assignment settings, set the value of the assignment to ZERO points. You can set the due date, number of attempts, and availability for the Assignment. Modify advanced settings to add a rubric and goals by clicking on the gear icon. 

3. Save.

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