How do I view a student's attempt log for a test or assignment?

Attempt logs can be accessed from the assessment submission tab or from the individual student overview tab. Select the ellipsis menu and select “Attempt Log.”

For tests, the logs provide the following:

  • Detailed information, including the date and time of the start and answers to each question

  • Question-specific details, such as question number, a preview of the question, and estimated time spent on each question

  • Submission receipt number, final grade, and attempt grade

  • Easy toggling between all in-progress and submitted attempts for comprehensive assessment tracking


Image 1. Attempt log for a test.

For Assignments, the logs offer:

  • Start and submission date and time

  • Submission receipt number

  • Seamless toggling between different attempts for a holistic view


Image 2: Attempt log for an assignment.