April 14, 2010 Meeting Minutes

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

April 14, 2010 Meeting Minutes

1. Announcments -- L. Aldana provided updates on the most recent LEC meetings.  The minutes have not been posted for those meetings.

2. Reusing computer equipement -- LITS is going to take the extra unused computer (Alicia's old one).  M. Chang is also asking for any computing equipment needs.

3. BRC --  The Library Blue Ribbon Committee was released on 4/8/2010.  If you have quesitons, send them to Larry.  

4. Student Learning Center proposal -- Copies of the new proposal were shared with everyone.  This will be discussed at the next Library Assembly meeting on May 20.  If you have quesitons, please send them to L. Aldana.  She will forward them to LEC or you can bring them up at the next Library Assembly meeting.  Two concerns already raised are the security of the doors into the department and cleaning the bathroom.  It will be a higher traffic area so the bathroom may need to be cleaned more frequently and/or earlier (first) in the day.

5. End of the year party for student assistants -- Discussed time for the party.  Will have pizza and a cake for the graduating seniors.  The Library wide Student Assistant party will be May 12th at noon.  Supervisors can go up for dessert at 12:30.  Volunteers are needed for set-up and clean-up.

6. The shelflist is almost gone.  Darlene will speak with Hope about getting the floors cleaned.  The cards are out of all but one and we can do that easily one day.  Two of the remaining three have already been claimed.  These last 3 will stay until we decide what will work for a good wall for Pat.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian