Jan. 11 Meeting Notes

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Jan. 11 Meeting Notes

1. Reports and Announcements

  • Vicki provided an update about the Hughes projects -- Susan Graham is back and is working on creating a project landing page.  Next month they will be going live with the collection.  Vicki is interested in doing some promotion of the collection and particularly work to explain the subject access.  She is going to talk to Tricia about doing a presentation at the next Library Assembly meeting in February.  There are also possibilities for creating an exhibit in Omeka.

2. Lynda gave the LEC report -- Most of the recent LEC meeting focused on the power outage, the IR group discussion, and the textbook proposal.

2. Textbook Proposal -- Lynda provided an update to the entire group about the proposal to purchase the most costly textbooks to be placed on reserve.  The Library is waiting to hear back about the proposal. 

3. Emergency Lighting -- With the requests to Facilities to investigate the cause of the problems during the most recent power outage (over the holiday break), TS reminded Larry that we have no emergency lights except one row on the window side of the room.  Lynda resent her email from Feb. 2011, when the FM person did a walk through, looked at the space, made some suggestions and said he would be doing a report.  Larry asked Melissa to check on this and follow up.

4. Tricia asked about getting the pole in the middle of the room removed.  Lynda will send the request to Melissa.  Update:  The pole has since been removed.

5. Staff asked if we could decorate for Valentine's Day.  Everyone agreed that as much as we like the creamy nondescript beige color we will enjoy the decorations more so it is a great idea.

6. At our next meeting we will discuss a February lunch for all of TS.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian