November 2, 2011 Dept. Meeting Notes

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

November 2, 2011 Dept. Meeting Notes

  1. Reports and Announcements

    1. Cheers --

      1. The Cake Walk will be on November 22, the Tuesday before the Thanksgiving Break.

      2. They have not decided about a Holiday Basket giveaway. 

      3. The Library Holiday Party is on Friday, December 16 on the 7th floor.

  2. Hughes Announcement

    1. 2181 images of 2682 are done

    2. The goal is to complete it by the end of the year so if those working on it could spend a little time on their projects that would be wonderful.  We are very close and barring unforeseen problems, should easily meet our goal.

  3. Laura is working on transcribing information for the Dissertations.  Heather then checks the work in OCLC and completes the cataloging.

  4. LEC Update

    1. The most recent Refurbishing Project List includes a request to completely remodel Rms 123 and 124.  This would supposedly include: Replacing the spline ceiling, Replacing the HVAC (for all of phase II), Creating an enclosed meeting room, Tiling and painting the loading dock, Replacing floor tiles, where needed, Adding card swipe security, Remodeling women’s bathroom, i.e. room 124, with lighting, countertops, & plumbing (would also enhance Student Learning Center).  Also, if that work is done then an office for the Head of TS should be added.

  5. Other announcements:

    1. Melissa knows that the door to the RLC is not working

    2. Staff asked that a larger sign be created for the door to Rm 123 that is in the RLC.  HM and JS reported a couple of  incidents where after they have arrived at work and the door is unlocked for staff, students wander in and start walking around.  As a result, they have been keeping the door locked until more people arrive.  (Update:  MB sent the request for a larger sign to the sign shop on Nov. 8)

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian