May 5th 2010 Meeting Minutes

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

May 5th 2010 Meeting Minutes

1.Announcements - Ping will be out May 6th - May 24th. She has arranged for all of her work to be covered. If there is an urgent problem, please let Linda know.

LEC Updates : Joe Clark's last day will be May 21, Lynda will keep us updated on discussions about how to cover his absence. The Albin O. Kuhn memorial service will be held in the gallery on May 23rd, from 2-5pm. May spoke of the computer outage. She explained that it takes extra time to fix the library's computers due to the specialized software and proposed using a standard lab image for future problems.The student appreciation luncheon is on May 12th. If you would like to help, set-up will begin at 10:00, clean-up at 1:30. Contact Marcus if you have any questions.At 1:15 today there will be a meeting concerning vacant positions in the library. Lynda will be discussing the open line in DBM, please share any thoughts you have on this with her. Tiffany's contract has been extended for another six months. 

 2.Aleph upgrade to version 20 - Migration is planned for August 2010. Group testing is done and no significant changes that would effect our department have been noted, open testing is now occurring. Vicki stated she has done some testing and has found no problems. She will continue, please let her know if there is anything specific you want her to look at. Jen stated Michelle has tested also and has found no problems. If you want the test version on your computer please let Lynda know.

3. Upgrading to Windows 7 -Plan for this to occur by the end of summer. Vicki and Michelle have requested that test machines be done first in both departments. Email Steve if you would like to be including in the first wave of installation. As a precaution, save all files to the shared drive or a flash drive. Make a list of all applications you will need reinstalled. 

4.Staff Day is May 27th - An RSVP form was sent out that included a program list for the day. Please send your response. 

5. Mice in the department - One mouse has been caught. If you notice the bait missing from the traps, please email Melissa. 

6. Student Party - Darlene will look into purchasing pizzas, snacks, and soda. She estimates $7 per staff member to cover the cost. Jen will get cards for the Acquisitions students. Let her know if you want to contribute.

7. Staff Picnic - May 4th, outside of Giffen Hill if weather permits, otherwise on the 7th floor. Raffle tickets will be sold that week.

8.Summer student hours - No information has come from LEC, schedule as needed. Darlene will be providing stats on student hours worked on the last semesters.  

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian