September 5, 2012 - Dept. Meeting Notes

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

September 5, 2012 - Dept. Meeting Notes

Technical Services Departmental Meeting


Present: Lynda, Darlene, Chrissy, Heather, Vicki, Tiffany, Michelle, Tricia, Jen, Pat

  • Michelle and Tiffany are working on a grant from ALA-ALCTS to add endangered online publications to ContentDM; they’ll be hiring a grad student from the iSchool to work on it.

  • From LEC:

    • Three strong candidates for the Digital Media Librarian were interviewed last week. Please provide any feedback to Joyce by Friday.

    • Serials has a new department email: umbcserials@lists.umbc.edu Please use this for any problems with print or online journals.

    • The reference desk, copiers and printers have been moved on the first floor. They are waiting for scanners. They are also waiting for a demo machine of a standalone scan/print station. They are also working on new signs about the printing. Additionally, the library is working on new overhead signs for the first floor and new signs by the stairs and elevators.

    • Collection Management will be holding a 2-day booksale in the hallway between their department and closed stacks. It will run from 9-4:30 on Sept. 19-20.

    • Joyce and Larry went to the campus retreat. Lynda previously sent a link to the summaries.

    • Tentatively, the Dresher Center space in the library will be used for LITS and possibly Media. Further discussion will wait until the new Digital Media Librarian starts.

    • Security issues

      • The Collection Mgmt door should stay locked until someone in that department gets in.

      • Most of the loading dock security issues should be resolved. To further deal with the situation, the library is working on getting swipe cards for cleaning staff and working with mail services to make sure the area is kept secure.

      • Report strange alarm codes and unarmed alarms.

      • Campus police have been asked to be diligent in documenting when they come to shut off triggered alarms.

  • The Transfer Student Advisor has proposed moving into a space in the library. Currently, the assistive technology rooms are being assessed for this proposal.

  • Marcus will do a training on microform reader/printers.

  • Male students are needed for the student book advisory committee.

  • James will be giving an overview of using the iMacs.

  • Pura Vida will be expanding to 24 hours, Su-Th. Lynda will let us know when they’re starting the new hours.

  • Michelle brought up the strange items she’s been finding outside the parking garage.

  • Homecoming: Jen signed us up for the decorating contest again. The judging is on Oct. 5. Jen and Tricia are looking for ideas and help. Let Jen know if you’re interested.

  • We will continue bringing in treats as before, but probably bring in smaller quantities.

  • We will start up a department newsletter. Jen volunteered to coordinate it. The first issue will come out in October, after Homecoming.


Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian