Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Dec 4, 2013 Tech Services Meeting Minutes

Department Potluck – Wednesday, Dec 18 at Noon, Darlene will be around with sign up sheet.  We will have gift exchange.  All wishing to participate, bring wrapped gift worth no more than $10. 

Ping holiday card went around for signing.  Lynda will forward Ping email to everyone

Cheers Holiday Party, Friday, Dec 13, Noon  7th Floor --bring stuff for auction, games.  There will be 50/50 raffle and auction. 

Tricia will be back on Monday, Dec 9.  Will be working a part time schedule for awhile.  Mon-Wed-Fri

Frig cleaning just before Holiday Break.  Watch for announcement.  Remove all your stuff by end of day Thursday Dec 19. Thanks for cooperation.

Holiday Decorating in next few days.


LEEC Open House, Wed, Jan 22 from 10-11–discussion

     Refreshments–sign up later

     Lynda will do draft agenda–interest in having an overview of dept, something from Acquisitions, Cataloging (Digital Collections, Aleph, E-Books), Labeling/Mending, DBM, Michelle on grants.

     Use computers to show various operations.

LEC Report–

     Jodi and James update on Library Assembly

     Lindsey update on Social Media User Team–they asked to do a Profile of Library Staff.  Questionnaire they proposed was passed around.  LEC agreed to go ahead.  More details later.

     Students have complained about folks "camping" in the RLC.  Larry is drafting a statement to address.

     Reps (Larry and Lynda ?) met with GSA–they requested expanded hours, food and drink policy.  They like the DVDs.

     UMCP McKeldin open to some 24/7.  UMBC students and others being asked to leave at 11PM.  Larry and Robin checking into this.

ILS Working Group Mini Report

     Pat Steele and Carlen Ruschoff have reportedly stated that CP is going with Kuali OLE as the CP ILS.  Hopefully more on this later.

     Chuck Thomas working on getting the RFIs on ILS made available to larger USMAI audience.





Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian