Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Leisure Reading Collection - Amazon Wish List

Amazon gift wishlist

Leisure Reading Collection

  • Amazon wish list     


    • Amazon wish list page

    • Library webpage for wish list   

    • Books added to list from Washington Post book reviews

    • detailed instructions  will be added to Collection Management wiki

    • I:Librarywide/Leisure reading collection/complete list of all leisure reading books – must keep pages up to date

      • As books are purchased for Alfgren fund compare to Amazon list titles and remove from Amazon list if necessary

      • As wish list books are bought transfer them from the Amazon Wish list FY12 to the Amazon Wish list purchases spreadsheet.

      • As any books are purchased follow instructions below to update complete title list

For webpage:   PDF of complete title list

  • A complete list of leisure reading titles and authors is linked to a PDF of the list  

  • You need to update both the excel spreadsheet and the PDF of the spreadsheet whenever a purchase is made.

  • Update both

    • I:Librarywide/leisure reading collection/complete list of all leisure reading books (this is the complete record of what books are from which fund or wishlist)

    • I:librarywide/leisure reading collection/complete list of all leisure readling books/complete title list   (last tab on the right)  

      • ALSO SAVE as a PDF --    I:librarywide/leisure reading collection/complete list of all leisure readling books/complete title list     

      • Save the PDF to W:collmanagement/  ( it can copy over the last list.)

      • Refresh the webpage and the new list will be applied.

  • (Excel spreadsheet for those who don’t want to order through Amazon, but will provide a $50 check for purchase of 1 title (cost includes processing fees)  created but may not use )

Instructions still needed for: (and who does what)

  • Processing (Acq/Cat)

  • Weeding (Coll Man libn)

  • Selection (Coll Man Libn/ KS)

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian