Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Leisure Reading Collection - Amazon Wish List
Leisure Reading Collection
Amazon wish list
Amazon wish list page
Library webpage for wish list
Books added to list from Washington Post book reviews
detailed instructions will be added to Collection Management wiki
I:Librarywide/Leisure reading collection/complete list of all leisure reading books – must keep pages up to date
As books are purchased for Alfgren fund compare to Amazon list titles and remove from Amazon list if necessary
As wish list books are bought transfer them from the Amazon Wish list FY12 to the Amazon Wish list purchases spreadsheet.
As any books are purchased follow instructions below to update complete title list
For webpage: PDF of complete title list
A complete list of leisure reading titles and authors is linked to a PDF of the list
You need to update both the excel spreadsheet and the PDF of the spreadsheet whenever a purchase is made.
Update both
I:Librarywide/leisure reading collection/complete list of all leisure reading books (this is the complete record of what books are from which fund or wishlist)
I:librarywide/leisure reading collection/complete list of all leisure readling books/complete title list (last tab on the right)
ALSO SAVE as a PDF -- I:librarywide/leisure reading collection/complete list of all leisure readling books/complete title list
Save the PDF to W:collmanagement/ ( it can copy over the last list.)
Refresh the webpage and the new list will be applied.
(Excel spreadsheet for those who don’t want to order through Amazon, but will provide a $50 check for purchase of 1 title (cost includes processing fees) created but may not use )
Instructions still needed for: (and who does what)
Processing (Acq/Cat)
Weeding (Coll Man libn)
Selection (Coll Man Libn/ KS)
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian