Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Evaluating Book Gifts Guide - In house use only

As of 2/1/16 Collection Management no longer provides a monetary evaluation of donated materials to the donor.  The evaluation is for campus use only.

Overriding criteria:

  • How much could a bookstore sell it for?

  • Be slightly conservative: evaluation, must be defensible to the IRS.


Use independent evaluation if:

  • Apparently rare books or journals are involved.

  •  Donor wants to arrange such an evaluation.

  • If total value is anticipated to be over $5,000.00.

Independent evaluations are normally the responsibility of the donor.


For in house evaluation $1.00 for hardback and substantive paperbacks, $.50 for bulk paperbacks.  (as of 2/2016)

I.  New Books

  • Try to find list price by searching these online book dealers (there may be others to try as well) : 

    • Amazon

    • B&N

    • AddAll Books

  • If price unknown:

    •  Hardbound $25

    •  Paperback $10 (scholarly), $3 (popular)

    •  Make exceptions when warranted.

II.  Used Books

  • Hardbound

    •  If ordinary, popular books or worn condition, or outdated text.  (e.g. Most texts 10-30 years old), evaluate at $5.

    • If more serious, average condition and likely to be useful, evaluate at $10 to $20.

    • Make exceptions when warranted.

  •  Paperback

    • Pocket format paperbacks, some light fiction and others not suitable to add to the collection, evaluate at $2.

    •  Other paperbacks evaluate at $4 to $10, depending on original cost and condition.

  •  Reasons to vary from this policy

    •  Books damaged beyond usability evaluate at zero.  Those in poor condition should be prorated.

    •  Books stamped as review copy or proofreading copy - evaluate at zero - these books will not be added.

    •  Books of possible historical or rare book value may be rated higher - consult with Special Collections Librarian.

    •  Books of obvious greater initial cost (e.g. art books, scientific treatises) will be rated higher.

III.  Serials:

  • Complete vols.:      1/3 to 2/3 (normally half) of subscription price for latest issue donated.

  • Incomplete vols.:   1/4 to 1/3 of subscription price, prorated according to percent of volume present.  Normally, a single missing issue cuts the value of that value in half.  Deduct a little more for each additional missing issue.

  • Very Misc. Issues.: 10c to $1.00 each, depending on title.  In most cases, use rough estimate, lumping all such issues together - do not do an issue by issue evaluation. 

  • Try to round to nearest $5.00.


  •  Very new issues (i.e. current year)- give up appraise as full subscription price.

  •   Rare materials - consult.

  •  Very common Journals, e.g.  Newsweek, National Geographic, etc. - use lower values.    do not accept


V.    CDs:

  • Used - Evaluate at two-thirds of list price.

VI.    Government Documents and Pamphlets:

If books or journals, use guidelines above.  Pamphlets:  Zero to $1.00 each unless higher cost is indicated or unless:

  • Rare

  •  Still useful-and especially hard to get now.  Never more than $5.00 without consultation.

For large pamphlet donation, check a sample of them and have evaluation on estimated numbers and average estimated value.  - do not accept.

VII.    Photographs:

Head of Special Collections should evaluate (and initial the evaluations at some point in the process) unless expecting the evaluation to be more than $5,000 in virtue of value rather than sheer number of photos.

10/4/90, revised 1/9/09 RBM  revised 7/12/16 RBM


Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian